Have always had Nairobi as my permanent Pussie Base, I am now holidaying in the coastal town of Mombasa. Sexcapades in the two towns could not be more different. Hitherto had this notion that women act the same all over. I could not have been more shocked. The following parameters are what contrast women of the two largest towns in Kenya:
Looks Mostly petite Generally plump
All shades Most are light
Average to tall in height Short to average in height
Language English and Mother Tongue Swahili
Hospitality Hospitable Very hospitable
Career Career focused Housewife tendencies
Education Most are very educated Low education levels
Informed Less informed
Materialism Believe in earning own money Believe in being provided for by husbands/ boyfriends
Temperament Aggressive Submissive
Activity Active relaxed
Religion Christian, non believers and fewer Muslims Mostly Muslims, few Christians , less non believers
Less superstitious Very superstitious
Liberal Conservative
Club life Lively and common place Laid back and low attendance( prefer going to beach)
Networking sites Almost 100% presence in major sites Less than 40% presence in major sites
Fashion More fashionable Less fashion conscious
Permissiveness Loose More loose
Prostitution High High
Infidelity High Higher
Drug abuse Alcohol, smoking Negligible
Sex Less stylish More stylish
Sexual orientation Straight and few bisexuals Straight
Pussie taste Tasty Tasty
Depending on what you want in a woman, it is up to you to decide which town your dick will find a pussie tonite!
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