a view of the world as seen from the eyes of an African and expressed through short stories, poetry, song and music!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Nigerian Cabinet and Senate is a Babel but Fact Remains: Umaru Yar’Adua is Too Sick to Lead!
The saying ‘there is always something new coming out Africa’ has been modified in Nigeria to read ‘there is always something silly coming out of Africa’. The fact that Umaru Yar’Adua is incapacitated is as clear as daylight but the Nigerian cabinet is blind to this fact.
The Cabinet insists that just because Umaru Yar’Adua is not in the country does not mean that he is not leading the country! This an answer to a court order that the cabinet decide within fourteen days whether Umaru Yar’Adua is fit or not to lead.
The Senate is reading on a different but equally wrong script too, the constitution clearly stipulate that the president should furnish parliament with a written letter that he intends to take a medical vacation. Umaru Yar’Adua did not do it. And he obviously broke the law. But the Senate is treating him with kid gloves.
Just because Umaru Yar’Adua has not been pronounced dead does not mean he is alive. If Israel was Nigeria, (with due respect to Sharon) the cabinet would have the comatose former Israeli premier Ariel Sharon as president. The late President Levy Mwanawasa of Zambia was branded a cabbage by the opposition owing to his ill health prior to elections and he went on to die in office. Is it not time the health of a leader be a factor on his capacity to lead?
A nation cannot be held hostage by the ill health of one man who happens to be the president. The Nigerian constitution cannot be that stupid not to cater for such eventuality. It is only that some self seekers would rather sink a country rather than have a new political dispensation. That is why there is a lot of debate and convoluted interpretations of the constitution on an obvious issue.
The cabinet has declared that he is still capable of governing the country! Somebody who has been bedridden for two months is not capable of running a stall of yams leave alone a nation of 140 million people.
The Senate, however, has called on him to provide a letter saying he is sick, which would allow his deputy to take power, as acting president! Please, to know that Umaru Yar’Adua is sick, go to state house and ask for him. If he aint there, then he is elsewhere and that elsewhere is Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia, not eating foo foo but sick and he is been there for the last two months. Do you still need a letter to prove it?
The fact that the north has a tacit rotating presidency with the south is not pragmatic at the present circumstances. What if he dies (God forbid), will his corpse rule Nigeria till another northerner is elected president? Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Nigeria should not burn any more energy on a dead cert. Umaru Yar’Adua is very sick and cannot lead Nigeria now and for some months to come if he survives. He is probably so sick that he is not fully aware that he is a president. So, don’t ask him anymore for a written letter conferring Gudluck Jonathan the power to act as president.
Not even juju can alter the fact that Umaru Yar’Adua is sick and may even die! Unfortunate as it may, we cannot change this and it is only fools who relish in wishful thinking.
The cabinet and the senate are paid to lead Nigeria not to confuse it, if they cannot, then the courts of Nigeria have an obligation and the mandate to interpret the constitution and give the way forward. If the courts fail, then it is incumbent on the people of Nigeria to demand new elections.
An offshore president is a no show president!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
France, Shelve the Burka Ban: Burka Ban in France is Discriminative against Muslims
A French parliamentary committee is expected to recommend a partial ban on women wearing the full Islamic veil. It seems Europe is on a war path against Muslims as a people and Islam as a religion.
It was not long before France banned the Hijab and Switzerland, against all the talk of being the most tolerant society in the world, banned the building of Minarets.
It is back to old Europe double standards. Had it been a poor country, the EU would have been threatening economic sanctions and denial of EU membership. But this is France.
The other day, a proposed anti-gay bill in Uganda elicited a lot of hue and cry from all over the world with Sweden threatening to cut aid. While the proposed burka ban is equally discriminative, nobody is raising an eyebrow.
The burka ban is aimed at a minority population who are just innocently practicing their religion. The government cited the ban as an affront on French values without elaborating. A value that does not include religious tolerance and respect of minority rights does not deserve to be value.
President Nicolas Sarkozy has been quoted as saying the burka is "not welcome in France". This shows connivance to harass Muslims from the top. His party has already presented to parliament a legislation for a full ban of the burka on ‘security’ grounds.
Since the 9-11, Islam has suffered stigmatization and demonization. Every other Muslim is a potential terrorist. It doesn’t matter where you stand on the issue. Though a majority of Muslims are against Islamic fundamentalism, many countries have chosen to ignore this fact and lump them together as terrorists.
What France has done will make Muslims feel discriminated and will increasingly view their religion to be a target of harassment. These are the ingredients that religious fundamentalism are made of.
Although the western public is supportive of these discriminations, as shown by a referendum on banning minarets in Switzerland, governments are doing little to encourage tolerance.
It is a much safer world where every other person’s religion, including the minority, is respected.
Jobless and Broke in Nairobi? Guide to being Broke in Style in the City of Nairobi!
Just been laid off, jobless or just downright broke? Dontchu worry, there is an art of being broke with flourish in this concrete jungle. The Broke Ass Club has come up with some Broke 101:
1. don’t broadcast to the world that you are broke. It is a private affair
2. come to town less often and during odd hours when fares are cheap
3. be out of circulation- quit former social circles to save yoself unnecessary embarrassment and financial status exposure
4. don’t stand in frustration bays in town- Uchumi House, KK restaurant, City Council, Uhuru Park, JevanJee, City Council poverty Seats etc they make you look miserable and sends brokenness signals to your detractors
5. get to know 50 Cts Cybers- Kenya Cinema Fourth floor, Uganda Hse etc can while away time as well as getting informed
6. when idle in town- go window shopping in Nakumatt Lifestyle, Enkarasha, bookshops etc and fantasize yourself having the money to buy
7. enroll in a Broke Ass Club – for encouragement, exchange fares, network for jobs
8. if you are a man, don’t date- it is unnecessary stress that can hurt your ego. Go for one nite stands when necessary. Fuck cheap- pussie is pussie anyway
9. if a gal- fuck expensive- get a rich dude or a sugar daddy!
10. if you can get a sugar mummy- jump to it!
11. don’t be cheated about money making deals in town: counterfeiting, sugar deals, expensive metals and gemstone etc- money does not come cheap, never will
12. if sly, join some small time politics, hand outs are still good in this town
13. hobnob with power brokers, they can hook you up with a job
14. Swallow your pride. There is a lot of negotiations in Brokeland and pride wont do you any good
15. be in good terms with your Landlord
16. never quit Nairobi- you will rot in the village
17. don’t pay for toilets, go to a restaurant n pee
18. befriend some shop, restaurant, office etc where you can pass time in town
19. be in good terms with the mama mboga, the local shop keeper, salon, barber etc they will extend you endless credit and bus fare at times
20. don’t ever buy a news paper, read em for free in cybers, matatus, hotels etc
21. have some financial hotlines- close friends and family who can Mpesa in a flash
22. be a recessionista- buy cheap but classy. Glamour is not a question of money but taste!
23. when you borrow, borrow big
24. don’t expect too much help from friends. Brokenness is a lonely adventure.
25. expect to be rejected.
26. avoid self pity and maintain a positive attitude
27. read about successful people who made it from scratch. It gives hope
28. write a blog
29. get to know where fries are cheap n sauce is free!
30. eat a heavy breakfast at home and do away with lunch
31. do odd jobs as long as it can give you a buck. Run errands for friends etc. Remember, brokenness will not last forever
32. quit drinking, hanging out and other compulsive habits. It will stress you for nothing yet you cannot finance
33. don’t hang around with loud mouths and big talkers. They will lower your self esteem
34. develop free and positive hobbies. Writing, reading novels, cooking, watching TV etc
35. be informed on so many stuff- information can be sold.
36. be on the look out for short term contracts- promotions, product launch etc
37. become a broker.
38. don’t wear cheap perfume. Better without it.
39. enjoy being broke, don’t fuss about it too much
40. Join Facebook and have many friends- it entertains
41. not every article you read online is useful
42. go back to school
43. am also broke, you are not alone!
44. pray God
45. work hard to get a job
46. don’t lose hope
47. good luck!
48. I love you
Sunday, January 24, 2010
John Edwards: the Bell has Tolled for...
John Edwards: the Bell
has Tolled for John Edwards!
I bet John Edwards is dusting his law books and making
contacts in his former career, for his political life is a gone case. His eyes
should be trained on New York
and not D.C., at least if he is fully aware of the amount of muck he is in.
Senator? Maaaybe. President? Never. Remember the
Chappaquiddick disaster and Edward Kennedy’s presidential bid? That is how bad it
Getting time to cavort with a female staffer while running
for Office of The President, United
States of America is shocking but it is not
a record, Bill Clinton got the time to romp with an intern in White House
itself. Siring a baby with a female staffer and refuting paternity is
unforgivable. Is that your definition of responsibility, Mr. John Edwards?
Worse still, having
your aide to lie to America
that he is the father of your own child is an abomination. You cannot choose to
make fools of Americans and make an electorate of them. It is a disgrace!
Reille Hunter and Andrew Young might have played along for
some time but America
cannot play along for a minute!
What will you tell Quinn Hunter, the baby you denied, when she grows up? I
love you daddy! She won’t be easily convinced and you will have some
explaining to do.
Now, cheating on your wife as she battles a disease as
breast cancer is totally unspeakable. It is callous and not many Americans can
forgive that. Most caring husbands would have not run in the first place. Is
that how you define love, Mr. John Edwards? Is that how to be family when one
member is facing a life threatening disease? I guess not.
What are the options for John Edwards? Former presidential
favorite, former political rising star, former North Carolina senator, former
Democratic Ticket hopeful…As optimistic as I am, John Edwards should contend
with ‘former’ before his name as a permanent fixture. That is for the few times
the press would be magnanimous enough to print his name.
For now, he can only afford to change the ‘former’ before
the word attorney by packing his suit case and slouching off to New York. He can
represent Wall Street cheats and home breakers.
There, he will be in good company!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Then Commandments (Hip Hop Version) - formerly the Ten Commandments
1. Yer shall have nah dawg with nobody but me
2. Yer shall have nah Idols on TV soon, its winding down but don’t be jealous of Big Brother, it is goin out too
3. Yer shall not misuse yo name in networking sites
4. Yer shall remember to keep the super date horny
5. Holler yer mom n dad if its been long.
6. Don’t commit no matter
7. Yer shall not admit adultery
8. Yer shall not freak
9. Yer shall not hate yo hood
10. Yer shall note yo neighbor’s house, cavort his wife n housegal and ride his ass
Coming soon, The lost prayer!
How Expensive Campaigns Fuel Corruption in Kenyaa
It is reported that some Kshs 4 Billion was spend between PNU and ODM in the last general elections but this could just be the tip of the ice berg as political parties have little or no obligation to file expenditure returns. Even if there was a law that requires them to do so, they can get away with filing false returns. What is worrying though, is not the amount spent but the source of that money.
Since the advent of multi-partyism, political stakes have gone high and hence the temptation to win it by all means. The most effective way is to buy votes. Since vote buying entails a lot of money, schemes to defraud state coffers have been hatched in every other campaign.
The 1992 General Elections campaign cost the exchequer a whopping 52 Billion Kshs through Goldenberg scandal. The 1997 campaign caused a huge inflation as Central bank was forced to print money. The 2005 constitutional referendum cost the tax payer around 6 Billion Kshs through Anglo Leasing Scandal that the government hatched to finance it.
Participating in the 2007 elections was an eye opener, campaign fund raising involve arm twisting business people to contribute a lot of money for campaigns. This happens at Presidential and Parliamentary elections both in the ruling party and opposition.
Business people contribute money to win tenders and to be protected once a particular party comes to power. Most targeted are Asian business communities. Those in the know agree that no political party can win an election without the contribution of Asians. Incidentally, these are the same people who win multi-billion tenders from the government. Once a party is in government, it is pay back time. It does not matter whether they are qualified or not, as long as they had contributed the campaign money, then they are in business.
Apart from arm twisting, business people who have perfected the art contribute voluntarily to both government and opposition during campaigns. Big businesses come with brief cases while small ones come with brown envelopes.
A politician who has been involved in ‘fundraisings’ in the last three general elections confided to me that those who have the money wield more power than politicians themselves. It is a kind of a symbiotic relationship between politics and big business. In the process a vicious cycle of corruption is hatched that the taxpayer loses.
Parliamentary aspirants also receive contributions from those who are operating businesses in their jurisdiction. When in office, all tenders for roads, public works and supplies automatically go to them. Often, they will do a poor work of it but the MP turns a blind eye.
Although the Political Parties Bill that among other proposals seek to finance political parties, it is yet to be seen whether politicians will conform. In Kenya and many African countries, parties are a law unto themselves. It is nigh impossible to regulate the activities of political parties.
If enough civic education could be conducted, then maybe one day the electorate will shun bribes and vote based on issues. That will be the end of high campaign spending and by extension reduce politically related corruption.
Without that, business will still finance politics and propagate corruption.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How to Win a Parliamentary Seat: Great Tips on Winning a Parliamentary Seat
Politics like a business is a huge investment. Much time, energy and resources are expended towards winning a seat yet most of it goes to waste since it is only one individual who wins at the end of the day.
Running for political office is becoming more competitive, sophisticated and elusive; many a career and financial security has been wrecked by failure to capture it.
In spite of all its shortcomings, politics is still a very rewarding and interesting career and many people are waiting to throw their hats on the ring.
The one million dollar question is, are there rules in politics or it is a game of chance? My answer is yes. Every game has its rules.
After many years in the rough and tumble of campaigning at national and local levels, I have gleaned the following must-dos:
1. Availability- the amount of time that you are physically available to interact with the electorates is directly proportional to the number of votes you will get.
2. Home support- the more support you have in your locality determines the amount of buzz you can generate in the wider constituency. If your neighbors speak well of your candidature, those who are far will gain confidence in you. NB: Other people do better convincing than you can do for self.
3. Network- the kind of network you have in the constituency is a vital head start. Church network, drinking mates, professional affiliation, alumni network, business network, family network etc provides a solid backing. Comrades rarely betray!
4. Resources- politics is a money intensive endeavor. Logistics, advertisements and bribes demands a fully loaded war chest. The bigger the budget, the better your chances. Money buys anything!
5. Generosity- generosity plays a key part in a person’s character. Generosity points to a dependable leader. You got to be creative with it though. It should come out like it is your nature rather than calculated to impress or buy votes. If it portrays a charitable, humane heart that cares for the less fortunate then you have your votes. If it is done clumsily so it looks like flamboyancy, you have no votes but an electorate hell-bent to prove that your money can take you nowhere! They say –touch a heart before you can ask for a hand.
6. Campaign platform- the campaign message is vital. What the electorate stand to gain from electing you should be summarized in one pithy and acerbic message. The campaign slogan should be catchy, sexy and romantic. Your mission should be spelt out by your campaign message.
7. Party affiliation- being in the right party that your constituents identify with is important.
8. Connection with national leaders- proving that you are connected at the top adds to your marks. Most electorates want somebody who is no stranger to shakers and movers of national politics. That’s why celebrities are used to advertise products. It is called association in simple English. If they can endorse your candidature directly, the better. If they don’t, behave like they have done so.
9. Party honchos- in as much as the grass roots is important, most parties in Africa are still lacking in internal democracy. To win a popular party ticket takes much more than a fair nomination. Connection with the party big brass ensures that you get the ticket when you win it.
10. Playing Hardball- you should be prepared beyond defeat. A lose is a lose in politics however unfair. A win is a win however unfair. Hardball means having an extra card below the table. To overturn a stolen political win is harder than stealing one. Steal if you can. Welcome to politics!
11. Timing- if the incumbent is still very popular, you can wait for the next election. Don’t expose yourself to defeat, it will adulterate your CV.
12. Appeal- try to be friendly, free and lively when mixing with the electorate. Be confident when addressing them. Personalize your association with them as much as possible. Know their names. Greet them with a firm handshake. Smile. Relate with their situation. Act like you are one of them. Give them hope in despair. Appeal to their emotions. Be an actor!
13. Propaganda- if you can’t handle political propaganda then leave it to the KGB. Get some spins to protect/promote your image. Some propaganda against others can be repulsive to the electorate when discovered. Be careful when playing with it. Always defend yourself when attacked. Don’t let your rivals have a field day. Remember, doubts are very harmful in politics, dispel them when directed at you, dish them out against your opponents.
14. Evaluate yourself- you can do a secret but objective polling to test issues and popularity
15. Be in good terms with opinion leaders- visit them way before the actual campaign
16. Be a good orator- practice makes perfect!
17. Weigh your competitors
18. Play to the expectations of the electorate
19. Take time to work out a campaign structure- have a very effective, secretive, well vetted campaign team. Even Jesus had twelve of them!
20. Advertise like crazy- have the most campaign paraphernalia, more visible and most colorful. Generate a buzz. Make your campaign stylish and flamboyant. Do some populist stunts if you can.
21. Work very hard- I am yet to know a more demanding exercise like campaigning. Be ready to go the extra mile.
22. Don’t lie- avoid unnecessary pledges that you cannot meet, especially financial. Be honest and don’t fear saying no.
23. Pray God
24. See you in the ballot.
25. Good luck!
Any left out?
Facebook Blind Date Shit; Episode Two
A picture speaks a thousand words; have found out that four out of these are spoken by Facebook Profile Pics:
1. I work in a cosmetic factory; in real life, I look something a pig has just vomited
2. The pics you seeing were taken fifty years ago or belong to our last born sister in high school
3. Boy, I picked them in online stock photos!
4. I was runners-up for Miss Morgue 2009 but you can’t tell till you meet me
This chick in-boxed me the better part of Dec, I was convinced she was cute from the pics, decided to give her a small date in town. From experience, I have known that birds who get interested with you in social networking sites are either socially inept in the real world or look a cross of a demon and a devil. Real gals get dates in the real world. They get men in buses, bars, weddings, funerals etc if they are worth it. There is no free chick in Facebook, only ugly sluts.
With my brother the other day, I phoned the chick, told me she is in a pub called Zeep but held up, and will call me once she is free. Shit! It raised the first red flag! A chick held up in a pub? At 1 P.M on a Monday, is she a cleaner? A stripper learning the routine? Second red flag, her English was so rustic, sounded like a village kindergarten teacher.
The gal had told me in earlier exchanges that she was a model, asked her agency name but she sounded tortured, then known that it was a fib. Now, with that accent, she was indeed a honky-tonk model!
I was convinced that the chick had mistaken me for a brothel client and had a mind to forget her and go about my biz in town but a combination of chivalry and adventure got the better of me.
After an hour or so, she texted me that she was free. We left to meet her.
On a high stool, puffing a cigarette, dressed in outlandish attire, drinking a Tusker beer, talking with another witch was our model. She stood to hug me, I almost vomited! Her perfume smelled like our high school toilet disinfectant, brought back lost memories! She introduced her colleague and the other gal smiled like a lion! Gosh, there is no prize for guessing that these are sluts! The pests are going hi-tech, soliciting clients in social sites. Jesus Christ Holy Brother of Mine!
Disheveled boobs, overused lips-drinking, smoking, kissing rough surfaces (bottles and drunkards and hard dicks) woody body, scratched face with thick make-up, a scar on her neck ( probably a bite from another slut) missing eyelashes….a vampire helluva slut!
Have always known sluts to be creative but this was a new one.
Reminds me of another brush with the oldest profession on earth!
A chum of mine who is left the country for long visited me the other day and we decided to slosh in a pub we used to hang out when we were broke college students, the honky tonk is called Dodds, next to Kenya Cinema, what we experienced was like a prelude to a porn movie. Sluts at different levels of getting laid, some with one boob beeping out of a bra, another with one leg lifted up a stool (pussie stench steaming out,) another kissing a patron loudly, one getting fingered by a drunk patron, another one sucking a dick… as soon as we ordered a drink, the vermin swarmed around us, I got asphyxiated with the foul stench.
Some were pretending to be nice working gals, and they had newspapers to boot! Don’t mind that it was ten at nite.
Back to my date with the model, we ordered a soda, drank quickly, watched as the slut talked herself silly and we left without another word. It was such a torture. She hasn’t called since then. Thankx be to God!
You are better off hooking up your neighbor’s housegal, the green grocer gal, the waitress with a rounded butt in your joint etc at least you know what you are getting into. Forget about Facebook!
Am I right?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
An ode for Martin Luther King Jr. and Barrack Obama
(An adaptation of Martin Luther King Jr. Speech ‘I have a dream!’)
Fifty or so years ago
A great American proclaimed ‘I have a dream!’
Fifty or so years now
The Negro is seeing that dream unfold
Streaming like a vast ocean to quench an island of poverty
The Negro send their son
Barrack Obama
To cash a check in Washington
Of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
He has returned with the American Dream
For the vaults of prosperity and justice
Is now abundant with opportunity
The promises of democracy is now real
We’ve risen from the dark and desolate valley of segregation
Now seated on the sunlit path of racial justice
Like all children of God
The struggle is not wholly over
We have to stick to the solid rock of brotherhood
Till every Negro is truly free
We have to forge ahead with dignity and discipline
Till the Negro is saved from the slums and ghettos
Of our cities
Let us not rest till prosperity roll down like waters
Though from the hills and mountaintops
The dream is now unfolding
Michelle Obama
Descendant of a slave
Entertains in White House
The children
Of former slave owners
The dream is unfolding before us
Sasha and Malia are judged not
By their skin color
But by the content of their character
Freedom has rung at last
Freedom has rung in Alabama
Freedom has rung in Georgia
Freedom has rung in California
Freedom has rung in America
I hear our children singing:
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Joe Christian, Joe Muslim, of Jos
Joe Christian, Joe Muslim, of Jos
Bludgeoning in plateau Jos
For god, for religion
Joe Pagan, Joe Kaffir, of Jos
Ye haveth no faith, no religion
True God is love
Whereth thy faith?
Whereth thy teachings?
Why thy neighbor killeth?
No God ye verily loveth
When no neighbor thy love
Rain raineth one Jos Plateau
Sun shineth one Jos Plateau
Stars lighteth one Jos Plateau
Air fileth all Josians
One rain, One sun, One moon
One Jos Plateau
One blood, One life, One people
One God
Friday thy mosque goeth
Sunday mine church goeth
All prayeth for life
Abundance falleth Jos
No mortal calleth death
Thy Hijab and Kanzu loveth
Mine cross and rosary loveth
Salaam when meet
Hallelujah our land blesseth
Me knoweth
One God of love and peace
None one of hate and murder
Rather no God
Than thine of death and destruction
Joe Christian, Joe Muslim, of Jos
God calleth ye
Break bread with thine neighbor
Thy wine drink in one cup
As thine fate is one
So thy God is one
Of love, peace and harmony
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Moussa Dadis Camara and Umaru Yar’Adu...
Moussa Dadis Camara and Umaru Yar’Adua Rise from the Dead!
Sick Moussa Dadis Camara and Umaru Yar’Adua Speak from Deadland
Two strange things happened in Africa this one week, Umaru
Yar’Adua of Nigeria spoke in
a hospital bed in Saudi
Arabia to dispel fears that he is dead. The
voice was less reassuring of his return to Nigeria any time soon but clearly
showed the extent of his ill health. The voice might have silenced the rumors
that he has met his creator but Nigerians are now speculating when he will finally
die. A diehard optimist of life is forced to renounce his faith hearing the
Voice of Umaru Yar’Adua that day.
Today, the Guinean Junta leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara
who is convalescing in Burkinabe capital Ougadougou spoke amidst chokes that he
is endorsing the power sharing agreement talks ongoing in Guinea, that he
has confidence in the interim military leader Mr Sekouba Konate and that he
wont be standing for election in the coming elections.
While it is evident that Captain Moussa Dadis Camara may
never come back to the country because of the injuries he sustained, and he is
well aware of this facts, Umaru Yar’Adua, though in a similar situation or even
worse is still holding on to the hope that he will return to Nigeria soon to
lead the country.
was in an obvious political mess, what with a military government in place,
which had already ordered the shooting of opposition supporters in a rally, and
is a subject of investigation by the ICC, Nigeria on the other hand was in
the right path with Umaru Yar’Adua leading a crackdown on corruption and
spearheading talks with Niger Delta militants.
The shooting and subsequent illness of Moussa Dadis Camarra
is a blessing in disguise, as he was becoming a fully fledged military
dictator. Already, his assertion that he will run for elections was causing
friction with the opposition. He had signed suspicious mining deals with the
Chinese and it was just a matter of time before the bauxite rich country could
be pillaged dry. Chances are high that he would have rigged the elections and
hold on to power. Guinea
now stands a better chance of reverting back to civilian democratic leadership
with his absence.
An Umaru Yar’Adua illness is an unfortunate event that is
hampering development and peace in Nigeria. Though he is hanging on to
the hope that he will return soon to Nigeria, chances are slim that he
will be able to effectively execute his duties as president.
On a lighter note, Koffi Olomide, the Congolese music
sensation came out in Kinshasa
to also dispel social sites rumors that he was dead. Long live Koffi Olomide!
What a week that was with the living-dead in Africa!
Israel PM's Wife, Sarah Netanyahu is Wow! Benjamin Netanyahu Does Not Deserve Sarah Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu is got taste!
I was reading Mrs. Sarah Netanyahu’s lawsuit with a former house worker but was captivated instead by her beauty, I have never encountered Israeli chicks before, even in beauty pageantry but I tell you, if Sarah Netanyahu’s beauty is anything to go by, then we aint seen nothin yet from the Promised Land.
She gat nice sumptuous boobs, killer face, right height, luscious lips, and a figure to die for. This is the month of politician’s wives saga, but if she could exchange notes with Iris Robinson then she is better off in a more tantalizing saga. Lawsuit with a former domestic worker is not a good recipe for international fame. She should just contact me; winkle a million dollars from Israeli businessmen for me to open a café in Jerusalem and bingo! We are in business.
Old and tired political heavyweights like Peter Robinson of Northern Ireland and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu with tight diaries and no time with their younger wives should be taught a few lessons in the importance of delegating their conjugal duties. They are better advised to make it official before the media ferrets out a juicy story that can cause unnecessary strain to a happy family.
Imagine a former air hostess wasting herself with old Benjamin Netanyahu as a third wife! We need that money but this bimbo should just get a better lover. Of course the PM’s office has a budget for the first lady. Entertainment allowance means a toyboy.
Or is the PM’s office putting a spin on the lawsuit with the house girl? In her resignation letter from the Netanyahu’s, the house gal wrote of a happy stay. I reckon Sarah Netanyahu is bisexual and did not pay the house gal for her blow job services or Sarah Netanyahu had snatched a boyfriend from her.
It could be the media reports of Sarah Netanyahu’s mistreatment of domestic workers in the 90s was something sexual! I can bet my bottom dollar on that. Just fathom a beautiful woman like Sarah Netanyahu, a former air hostess who has had a copious flow of dick across the globe in her career sharing an old rod with two other women? This woman needs some sexual salvation, call on me babie!
By the way, how old is Sarah Netanyahu, am seeing a 25 year old model!
How about you?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Osama bin Laden: US State Department Image of Osama bin Laden Can’t Help
The US State Department altered image of how Osama bin Laden could look at 52, ten years after the last image was circulated, cannot accurately, even closely point to how the Al Qaeda fugitive may look like.
What is the objective of releasing the image? Has US intelligence failed so they are giving crowdsourcing a shot? Osama must be smiling and smoking a pipe on this news!
The wrinkled look impression that the US State Department produced of Osama bin Laden, with less or more beard is just one of a dozen possibilities.
I can imagine the following scenarios:
Given Osama bin Laden was last reported to be dying of cancer (or was it Bush propaganda?), then it is logical to imagine a withered and wiry man who looks 80!
Now that the US has totally lost track of Osama and is probably aware of it, and since the Taliban have regained control of some areas in Afghanistan, the Osama bin Laden of today could be looking chubby and young since the anxiety of being caught has lessened. His only work is to sit, smoke weed and play a flute in the rugged mountains of Torabora.
Osama bin laden could have possibly undergone plastic surgery and is living the American Dream in New York, married to a Hollywood actress or a former CIA and working as an engineer with AT&T!
Another scenario is that Osama bin laden has died and his body is in Mecca.
How much bounty is in Osama bin Laden’s head? Think I stand better chances of catching him than earning any bucks from Google!
Will you join me in the hunt? The money is worth the risk.
Osama bin Laden: US State Department...
Osama bin Laden: US
State Department Image of Osama bin Laden Can’t Help
The US State Department altered image of how Osama bin Laden
could look at 52, ten years after the last image was circulated, cannot
accurately, even closely point to how the Al Qaeda fugitive may look like.
What is the objective of releasing the image? Has US intelligence
failed so they are giving crowdsourcing a shot? Osama must be smiling and
smoking a pipe on this news!
The wrinkled look impression that the US State Department
produced of Osama bin Laden, with less or more beard is just one of a dozen
I can imagine the following scenarios:
Given Osama bin Laden was last reported to be dying of
cancer (or was it Bush propaganda?), then it is logical to imagine a withered
and wiry man who looks 80!
Now that the US
has totally lost track of Osama and is probably aware of it, and since the
Taliban have regained control of some areas in Afghanistan, the Osama bin Laden of
today could be looking chubby and young since the anxiety of being caught has
lessened. His only work is to sit, smoke weed and play a flute in the rugged
mountains of Torabora.
Osama bin laden could have possibly undergone plastic
surgery and is living the American Dream in New York,
married to a Hollywood actress or a former CIA
and working as an engineer with AT&T!
Another scenario is that Osama bin laden has died and his
body is in Mecca.
How much bounty is in Osama bin Laden’s head? Think I stand
better chances of catching him than earning any bucks from Google!
Will you join me in the hunt? The money is worth the risk.
Haiti Quake and Tiger Woods: a Comparative Analysis of the Haiti and Tiger Woods Catastrophes
Reports that Tiger Woods is to donate $3 million towards the Haiti relief effort, in particular to groups that provide relief to children got me thinking about the similarities and dissimilarities of these two events that have captured world attention lately.
While one may be quick to dismiss Tiger Woods debacle as celeb culture hype and accept Haiti quake as a genuine cause of world concern, the world’s agenda is set by the media and you cannot ignore what they throw at you. It has a way of hijacking your attention and hence the dividing line between trivialities and issues is growing thinner.
The Haiti quake and the subsequent humanitarian crisis have received a minute by minute coverage from world media and fuelled blog and social sites debates and exchanges. The media buzz that followed Tiger Woods car crash and infidelity saga received equal attention.
While the Tiger Woods saga was both amusing and sad, indeed a tragic-comedy drama of sorts, the Haiti quake disaster is heart wrenching and disturbing. The Tiger Woods saga cost him his image and endorsement fortunes but the Haiti quake has cost lives and fortunes.
Reclaiming lives is impossible, reclaiming Tiger Woods holy Joe image is nigh impossible. To rebuild Port-au-Prince may take equally long time as it will Tiger Woods to crawl out of the woods.
The Haiti quake has received attention, sympathies and donations from world leaders and celebrities while Tiger Woods quake was a mixed reaction of disgust, amusement and sometimes pity from a few golfers. His is an individual social and economic torpedo stemming from recklessness and moral decadence. Maybe the curse of fame and fortune. Haiti’s is a result of vagaries of nature, fate and to some extend poor quake preparedness owing to poverty. As aid money flow to Haiti, Tiger Woods’ coffers are drying up.
Tiger Woods claim to be a Buddhist, a religion without a concept of sin and subsequently no forgiveness. One has to wage an individual war to reclaim moral compass and peace of mind without the added benefit of a super-natural being. Unlike Irish Robinson, Tiger Woods’ contemporary in infidelity, who is a Christian and has been ‘forgiven’ by God, Tiger Woods has but one body he will seek forgiveness from; the public.
Haitians are devout Christians who are renowned for their faith throughout the world. The only blemish being the equally fervent voodoo adherents crawling in Port-au-Prince’s sprawling slums. The Haitians will look to God to appease the ever recurring natural disasters and to weather the heartache from the quake calamity. Tiger Woods is left to his own devices.
Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere; Tiger Woods is the richest sportsman in the western hemisphere. Tiger is a man of color, Haiti are a people of color. It was a disaster of color.
If Tiger Woods was to appear in Haiti to physically assist in the relief efforts, the media splurge will be on him but it won’t help placate his image. He will be accused of using the Haiti disaster to cleanse his image. The Haiti tragedy will be an impetus to the UN pre-quake efforts of rebuilding the country.
Tiger Woods has not been sighted yet, so the media has to continue speculating where he could be holed up in.
Have you spotted Tiger Woods?
Friday, January 15, 2010
nairobi riots: police, non-muslims battle al-faisal muslim supporters
riot police engaged Muslim youths who had just completed Friday prayers in Jamia mosque in town. they had attempted to match to the Ministry of immigration offices and the PM's office to present a petition over the arrest of Al-Faisal; a Jamaican muslim cleric who is suspected of having links to terrorists.
tear gas pillowed over a large section of Nairobi City center for hours till nightfall. Members of the public came to police aid by hurling stones at the Muslim youth who were conspicuous from their attire. this is one of the rare occasions that Muslims have engaged with Christians in a skirmish.
non-Muslims are increasingly becoming intolerant to Muslims due to their connection to Somali pirates who launder money in the country. they blame the Muslims for taking over Nairobi town with pirate money. property prices have shot up!
Somalia nationals are identical with Kenyan Somalis
Kenyan border with Somalia is porous and poorly policed hence Somalia nationals have over the years found refuge in Kenya. their population is increasing by the day due to corrupt immigration officials who sell identity to non-Kenyan Muslims.
Possiblelinks to Al-Shabaab is causing jitters in security circles in the country. Just the other day, a bomb was found in a small town that was believed to have either originated from Somalia or was destined there. the town lies in a route that connects with somalia.
nairobi residents have left the city center early over the skirmishes. police helicopters are patrolling the city skies.
the intolerance may rise a notch higher when the constitution debate begin over the entrenchment of Kadhis courts in the new constitution that is due before the end of the year. Muslims are supporting the entrenchment of Khadis courts in the new constitution while Christians are opposed to it.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lady, the Dude is Playing You: If you Spot these Signs, Bingo! The Asshole is Playing You!
We thought phones were the ultimate relationship killer, we were wrong. Social Networking Sites are the definitive menace! How do you know the burger is hooked another bitch on Facebook?
Well! Set a player to catch a player! From Players Only Club, gold circle members divulge the following practical signs that every born player exhibit when drifting away from the nest.
NB: there are two kinds of players: those who play for love and those who play for pussie. First category means he is no longer into you and so please back the bags and holler for a cab; second category loves you but wants variety of fresh pussie.
Signs the sod is playing you:
1. the goon is declined yo friend request on Facebook or has dropped you in the friends list
2. asshole is policing his phone, gets nervous whenever it rings in yo presence
3. if the sumbitch is seeing somebody you know, he will go gaga about her,
this and that about her
4. note and watch keenly the slut who is always the first to comment his Facebook updates
5. slob suddenly improves on his grooming- new perfume, jewelry and panties etc
6. the eejit breaks the dating pattern- excuses not to see you increases all of a sudden
7. the idiot will go on many unexpected business trips out of town
8. Try telling the wanker that you wonna go somewhere and unlike in the past, he wont question you, he will be like- good riddance, get yo ass off ma face!
9. excuses not to go out with you on Fridays and Saturdays ( ‘Going out with the boys or work colleagues’)
10. The prat either stops calling you or calls less and less. Whenever you call him, the jackass is cold and with a ‘stop disturbing me’ tone.
11. ‘I love you’ and ‘good nite’ texts become few and far apart
12. The screwball is always in-boxing on Facebook, tweeting or sexting at night leaving you go to bed alone. He will join you much later, hit you a fast unemotional round without foreplay or even a kiss! When he has come, he rolls to the edge of the bed n snore off, without a word. It is over gal!
13. the dumb-ass does not answer his phone when you are together, with the excuse that its his boss , a debt or a nuisance. Most of these phone numbers are not saved or carry male names
14. watch out for ladies’ hair in his comb, earrings in the bedroom, a strange perfume in the room, a tissue that was used for make-up, left umbrella , clothes etc
15. watch out for used condoms/ packets in his litter box-(always note the number of unused condoms before you leave and count when next you are in his digs)
16. unexpected tidiness in his dungeon
17. the git starts working late and on weekends
18. the spunkhead is going for ‘team building’ more often
19. his money is no longer spend on you
20. dunce becomes harsh towards you
21. the once pussie maniac gets less enthusiastic about sex with you
22. the dimwits picks up quarrels with you over petty issues
23. shithead starts pointing at your inadequacies- too much weight etc, cannot compliment your looks, complain about food etc
24. The bugger go washing his car on Sundays and return after dark, watch the car for tell tale signs, don’t be surprised to find picnic stuff!
25. some will throw casual hints for you to ass off
Problem is, ladies will always live in denial even in a situation that cannot be salvaged. When a relationship is dead, it is dead. The dead never rise. Pick up yourself and move on, there are many good men out there! (Hey, don’t try me, am a platinum circle player)
Any sign I have left out? Drop me a comment!
Lady, the Dude is Playing You: If you Spot these Signs, Bingo! The Asshole is Playing You! We thought phones were the ultimate relationship killer, we were wrong. Social Networking Sites are the definitive menace! How do you know the burger is hooked another bitch on Facebook? Well! Set a player to catch a player! From Players Only Club, gold circle members divulge the following practical signs that every born player exhibit when drifting away from the nest. NB: there are two kinds of players: those who play for love and those who play for pussie. First category means he is no longer into you and so please back the bags and holler for a cab; second category loves you but wants variety of fresh pussie. Signs the sod is playing you: 1. the goon is declined yo friend request on Facebook or has dropped you in the friends list 2. asshole is policing his phone, gets nervous whenever it rings in yo presence 3. if the sumbitch is seeing somebody you know, he will go gaga about her, this and that about her 4. note and watch keenly the slut who is always the first to comment his Facebook updates 5. slob suddenly improves on his grooming- new perfume, jewelry and panties etc 6. the eejit breaks the dating pattern- excuses not to see you increases all of a sudden 7. the idiot will go on many unexpected business trips out of town 8. Try telling the wanker that you wonna go somewhere and unlike in the past, he wont question you, he will be like- good riddance, get yo ass off ma face! 9. excuses not to go out with you on Fridays and Saturdays ( ‘Going out with the boys or work colleagues’) 10. The prat either stops calling you or calls less and less. Whenever you call him, the jackass is cold and with a ‘stop disturbing me’ tone. 11. ‘I love you’ and ‘good nite’ texts become few and far apart 12. The screwball is always in-boxing on Facebook, tweeting or sexting at night leaving you go to bed alone. He will join you much later, hit you a fast unemotional round without foreplay or even a kiss! When he has come, he rolls to the edge of the bed n snore off, without a word. It is over gal! 13. the dumb-ass does not answer his phone when you are together, with the excuse that its his boss , a debt or a nuisance. Most of these phone numbers are not saved or carry male names 14. watch out for ladies’ hair in his comb, earrings in the bedroom, a strange perfume in the room, a tissue that was used for make-up, left umbrella , clothes etc 15. watch out for used condoms/ packets in his litter box-(always note the number of unused condoms before you leave and count when next you are in his digs) 16. unexpected tidiness in his dungeon 17. the git starts working late and on weekends 18. the spunkhead is going for ‘team building’ more often 19. his money is no longer spend on you 20. dunce becomes harsh towards you 21. the once pussie maniac gets less enthusiastic about sex with you 22. the dimwits picks up quarrels with you over petty issues 23. shithead starts pointing at your inadequacies- too much weight etc, cannot compliment your looks, complain about food etc 24. The bugger go washing his car on Sundays and return after dark, watch the car for tell tale signs, don’t be surprised to find picnic stuff! 25. some will throw casual hints for you to ass off Problem is, ladies will always live in denial even in a situation that cannot be salvaged. When a relationship is dead, it is dead. The dead never rise. Pick up yourself and move on, there are many good men out there! (Hey, don’t try me, am a platinum circle player) Any sign I have left out? Drop me a comment!
We thought phones were the ultimate relationship killer, we were wrong. Social Networking Sites are the definitive menace! How do you know the burger is hooked another bitch on Facebook?
Well! Set a player to catch a player! From Players Only Club, gold circle members divulge the following practical signs that every born player exhibit when drifting away from the nest.
NB: there are two kinds of players: those who play for love and those who play for pussie. First category means he is no longer into you and so please back the bags and holler for a cab; second category loves you but wants variety of fresh pussie.
Signs the sod is playing you:
1. the goon is declined yo friend request on Facebook or has dropped you in the friends list
2. asshole is policing his phone, gets nervous whenever it rings in yo presence
3. if the sumbitch is seeing somebody you know, he will go gaga about her, this and that about her
4. note and watch keenly the slut who is always the first to comment his Facebook updates
5. slob suddenly improves on his grooming- new perfume, jewelry and panties etc
6. the eejit breaks the dating pattern- excuses not to see you increases all of a sudden
7. the idiot will go on many unexpected business trips out of town
8. Try telling the wanker that you wonna go somewhere and unlike in the past, he wont question you, he will be like- good riddance, get yo ass off ma face!
9. excuses not to go out with you on Fridays and Saturdays ( ‘Going out with the boys or work colleagues’)
10. The prat either stops calling you or calls less and less. Whenever you call him, the jackass is cold and with a ‘stop disturbing me’ tone.
11. ‘I love you’ and ‘good nite’ texts become few and far apart
12. The screwball is always in-boxing on Facebook, tweeting or sexting at night leaving you go to bed alone. He will join you much later, hit you a fast unemotional round without foreplay or even a kiss! When he has come, he rolls to the edge of the bed n snore off, without a word. It is over gal!
13. the dumb-ass does not answer his phone when you are together, with the excuse that its his boss , a debt or a nuisance. Most of these phone numbers are not saved or carry male names
14. watch out for ladies’ hair in his comb, earrings in the bedroom, a strange perfume in the room, a tissue that was used for make-up, left umbrella , clothes etc
15. watch out for used condoms/ packets in his litter box-(always note the number of unused condoms before you leave and count when next you are in his digs)
16. unexpected tidiness in his dungeon
17. the git starts working late and on weekends
18. the spunkhead is going for ‘team building’ more often
19. his money is no longer spend on you
20. dunce becomes harsh towards you
21. the once pussie maniac gets less enthusiastic about sex with you
22. the dimwits picks up quarrels with you over petty issues
23. shithead starts pointing at your inadequacies- too much weight etc, cannot compliment your looks, complain about food etc
24. The bugger go washing his car on Sundays and return after dark, watch the car for tell tale signs, don’t be surprised to find picnic stuff!
25. some will throw casual hints for you to ass off
Problem is, ladies will always live in denial even in a situation that cannot be salvaged. When a relationship is dead, it is dead. The dead never rise. Pick up yourself and move on, there are many good men out there! (Hey, don’t try me, am a platinum circle player)
Any sign I have left out? Drop me a comment!
Pat Robertson says Haiti Earth Quake a result of ‘pact with the devil’: who will shut this ass hole?
Talk of giving Christianity a bad name and nobody can do it better than a dunce by the name of Pat Robertson, the 700 Club host. Christianity is creeping of ponces, nonces, pedophiles, rapists, and sods but from today add sadists and devils.
When the world is mourning, when thousands of Haitians are trapped in rubbles, thousands lying dead on the streets, others writhing in pain in collapsing hospitals, relatives worried about lost love ones, a city lies buried with all the livelihoods of a nation; a good-for-nothing self proclaimed righteous idiot can dare say that all these is because of a pact with the devil.
Hear the devil speak:
The Haitians "were under the heel of the French. You know, Napoleon III and whatever," Robertson said on his broadcast Wednesday. "And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you will get us free from the French.' True story. And so, the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' "
What? This is a vampire who is bankrupt of ideas and is hiding under the guise of Christianity to spread falsehoods and innuendo.
Native Haitians defeated French colonists in 1804 and declared independence. Is Pat Robertson justifying colonialism? It is not surprising, Christianity brought and promoted colonialism, slavery and racism.
There is no other devil on earth; there is only one devil by the name of Pat Robertson. Why doesn’t somebody shut his foul mouth from spewing shit?
He is the same doomster who said that God was punishing America with terrorism and Hurricane Katrina for legalizing abortion. Who else can celebrate when the world is mourning? It is not a sadist; it is the devil who relishes a meal of human blood, and description best fits Pat Robertson. Don’t look for the devil elsewhere, he is on your TV screens hosting the 700 Club, he could be in your neighborhood, and he bears the tag of Pat Robertson!
I have never seen a spiritual and religious nation like Haiti. This is an insult to the people of Haiti and their Christian faith that pat Robertson claims to be its ambassador. Am lucky not to be sharing a religion with devils like Pat Robertson.
All nations of the world, genuine Christians and men of good will are at this hour praying and helping Haiti overcome this catastrophe visited upon them by vagaries of nature.
Nobody is listening to you Mr Pat Robertson.
I urge all people to shun Pat Robertson’s 700 Club forever for showing utter contempt to the suffering of the innocent in complete antithesis to the very tenets of Christianity.
My heart is with you, the faithful and beautiful people of Haiti, Holy Children of God! You will overcome this and come out strong in the name of God.
The lord will give you strength to rebuild your city, the courage to overcome your grief and the spirit to rise from the ashes.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti, many a long sunsets!
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
No evil thou have done all
Nor even thou have God offend
As deserve ever recurring long sunsets
As deemed lives and livelihood loss
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
Hear women dying in the bowels of port-au- prince
Hear men crying in the hovels of port-au- price
With prayers on their lips
Wishing-hoping on to lives
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
Children crying to long silent mothers
Wives calling to long lifeless husbands
In the swallowing monster your land has become
In the swallowing appetite your land has begun
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
Long battered by hazardous hurricanes
Long butchered by horrible autocrats
Ye have borne poverty with buoyancy
Ye have borne pillage with resilience
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
Thou have lost a lot fortune
Thou have lost a loving family
I pray this to all end in haste
I pray this to all end in history
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of Holy, prayerful and faithful men and women
Your tears dry with the warm sun to shine
Your fears fly with the swarm birds to sky
Graves fill but not en-masse anymore
Braves free but not en-slave anymore
Oh Haiti, the land of princes and princesses
Of prayerful and faithful men and women
The world will forsake you not
The world all awept you now
God, wring banish the long sunsets to Haiti
God, bring back the smiling sunshine to Haiti
Museveni on Uganda Gay Bill: International Pressure Makes Museveni Jittery on Gay Bill
Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has distanced himself from a punitive Gay Bill due in parliament that proposes a death penalty for engaging in homosexual acts.
Addressing a meeting of ruling party members, Yoweri Museveni said their handling of the bill "must take into account our foreign policy interests". He stressed that the MP, Mr. David Bahati, who proposed the Anti Gay Bill, and is a member of Museveni’s NRM Party did so as an individual and was not following government policy.
He highlighted the international pressure bearing on him to intervene on the Anti Gay Bill. Sweden was the first country to put pressure on Uganda, threatening to withdraw aid but yesterday Museveni listed UK, US and Canada as other nations that have contacted him over the Anti Gay Bill.
"The prime minister of Canada came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays," he said.
"[UK] Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to see me and what was he talking about? Gays.
"Mrs Clinton [the US secretary of state] rang me. What was she talking about? Gays."
He said the cabinet would be talking to David Bahati about his bill and would thrash out the government's position on it.
The Old West is at its old tactics again but this time round it is a genuine concern over a retrogressive and unnecessary bill meant to mete injustice to a hapless group of individuals.
The west should be lauded for intervening on the controversial Anti Gay Bill that is hell-bent to return Uganda to the Stone Age!
The 21st Century should be about accommodation of minorities and tolerance in Africa, Yoweri Museveni has realized that no country is an island. I wish it could dawn on him that divergent political views should be accommodated as well!
Games vs Porn: Violent Games Worse than Porn
Would you rather your kid was high on porn or violent?
Violent video games are worse than violent video games on your kid according to a leading porn star. What an advice from a ponce! Kids are better off prostitutes and sex addicts than soldiers according to this gospel.
He said parents should be more worried about the harmful effects of such games.
Mr Jeremy's comments were made at a session called the Great Porn Debate during the Consumer Electronics Show, CES, in Las Vegas.
His comments angered gamers, who accused him of "ignorance".
Mr Jeremy's appearance at CES in Las Vegas caused some raised eyebrows.
He took time away from the Adult Entertainment Expo, which takes place in Las Vegas at the same time as the annual tech fest, to speak out on behalf of his profession and promote some practical tools.
"Studies have found that violent video games are a much bigger negative influence on kids," Mr Jeremy said.
The remark has caused quite a stir in the games world.
"It's rather hypocritical behaviour and it doesn't speak up for pornography's merits by merely saying "something else is worse, don't look at us.
"Very disappointing behaviour from a man who should know better," said Jim Sterling of gaming news blog Destructoid.com.
Andy Chalk at video gaming site escapistmagazine.com said Mr Jeremy's remarks cannot be completely ignored.
"While I do think he's (Mr Jeremy) working from a platform of ignorance, I'm not quite as certain that the sentiment is entirely wrong.
"I wouldn't want my kids (the hypothetical ones, that is) playing Modern Warfare 2 or becoming overly familiar with Ron's body of work, but is it really reasonable to say that one is significantly worse than the other?" asked Mr Chalk.
Mr Jeremy also urged parents to play their part in preventing children from accessing adult websites.
He said the industry already does all it can to protect youngsters.
"Parents can block this stuff and need to stop blaming porn for a bad case of parenting," Mr Jeremy told BBC News.
"Parents should watch what their kids are doing online and take some responsibility. Don't blame us. We have disclaimers, age notifications and software blockers. We are doing our bit," said Mr Jeremy.
That view was backed by a critic of the $10bn (£6.2bn) adult entertainment sector.
"Parents are not talking about this with their kids enough," said Craig Gross, who is a former pastor and has set up a website to help people addicted to pornography.
"We have to have these conversations because for the most part, kids are smarter than their parents when it comes to technology. Parents need to do more parenting and be more proactive on these issues," added Mr Gross.
Mr Jeremy was busy promoting the practical tools designed to prevent children from accessing pornography.
"Because we make porn, we are the bad guys. We don't want kids to watch porn but yes we recognise that it happens. We are not in favour of that," said Mr Jeremy who has appeared in over 2000 films.
Now the man voted America's top porn actor by the Adult Video Network, has put his weight and influence behind a number of software blocking tools.
These include InternetSafety.com's Safe Eyes family internet management software which will automatically block access to online pornographic content.
"We're not just all about restrictions and rules. We want the family to talk about being safer online," said Aaron Kenny, the chief technology officer for InternetSafety.com.
Coming to the aid of the porn industry is an unlikely figure in the shape of the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, ASACP, a non-profit group that works to enforce anti-child pornography laws.
"The porn industry has gotten a bad rap," Joan Irvine, the chief executive officer of ASACP told the BBC.
"They are doing so much in order to develop technology or using our systems because they don't want kids out there watching porn, or being in it. They recognise that it isn't good for business and would lead to more scrutiny so they police themselves well," added Ms Irvine.
Would you rather your kid was high on sex or violence?
Looking for Tiger Woods? Tiger Woods Spotted in a Sex Rehab
Golf superstar Tiger Woods is reported to have checked into a sex rehabilitation centre at Arizona for treatment.
People magazine reported that Woods, 34, is believed to have joined The Meadows, a clinic which specializes in substance abuse and compulsive disorders such as gambling or sex addiction, around New Year for a period of five weeks.
"He should be out by Valentine's Day or thereabouts," a source told the entertainment magazine.
Everyone at the clinic is asked to wear a colored nametag that corresponds to their addiction, according to
entertainment website X17.
"He has been there for a few days since his handlers forced him to enter the programme. They feel that if he blames
his cheating on addiction, the public will forgive him," sources told X17.
"Tiger wants to get back on top. He agreed to put golfing on hold so he could show the world how badly he feels about
what he's done and to prove that he wants to correct the problems that led to his infidelity," the source said.
The reports surface in the midst of speculations of whereabouts of Woods, who has disappeared after a scandal revealing his extramarital affairs exploded following an accident outside his Florida mansion on November 27 last year.
I hope the sex rehab guys are really serious about their work; otherwise sexy ladies can hook Tiger Woods on more pussie. I wish he could be given a no-woman-in-sight routine!
Don’t worry boy, you will be out and about in time for Valentine’s sexcapades!
wishing you quick quick recovery!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Shake yo bum bum: Big bum and thighs 'are healthy
Carrying extra weight on your hips, bum and thighs is good for your health, protecting against heart and metabolic problems, UK experts have said.
So, when you visit the gym today, tell your instructor to prescribe routines that leave your derriere round and your thighs hippy as much as possible. Hey, be sure to trim that tummy!
Africans and Brazilians are laughing all the way to health with this new discovery. Africa’s fascination with plump chicks has been vindicated!
Hip fat mops up harmful fatty acids and contains an anti-inflammatory agent that stops arteries clogging, they say.
Big behinds are preferable to extra fat around the waistline, which gives no such protection, the Oxford team said.
Science could look to deliberately increase hip fat, they told the International Journal of Obesity.
And in the future, doctors might prescribe ways to redistribute body fat to the hips to protect against cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
They said having too little fat around the hips can lead to serious metabolic problems, as occurs in Cushing's syndrome.
Evidence shows that fat around the thighs and backside is harder to shift than fat around the waist.
Although this may sound undesirable, it is actually beneficial because when fat is broken down quickly it releases a lot of cytokines which trigger inflammation in the body, say experts.
These cytokines have been linked to cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
The slower burning hip fat also makes more of the hormone adiponectin that protects the arteries and promotes better blood sugar control and fat burning.
In comparison, carrying excess fat around the stomach, being "apple shaped", raises the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Lead researcher Dr Konstantinos Manolopoulos, of Oxford University, said: "It is shape that matters and where the fat gathers.
"Fat around the hips and thighs is good for you but around the tummy is bad."
He said in an ideal world, the more fat around the thighs the better - as long as the tummy stays slim.
"Unfortunately, you tend not to get one without the other," he said.
Fotini Rozakeas of the British Heart Foundation said: "This research helps us better to understand how fat acts in the body in order to develop new approaches in reducing heart and circulatory disease.
"If you are overweight, obese, or if you have a waist size that is increased, it is important to make changes to your lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet and doing regular physical activity, to reduce your risk of heart health problems."
What about J-Lo as the new WHO’s bum and thigh ambassador?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Musa Yar Adua’s Health: the President of Nigeria Musa Yar Adua’s Health teetering on the brink
Today’s BBC interview with Musa Yar Adua in a hospital bed in Saudi Arabia for the first time in 50 days since he was hospitalized for a heart and kidney condition confirmed my two worst fears: that Musa Yar Adua’s health is bleak and that he is probably too sick to notice that he cannot execute the duties as the President of Nigeria effectively.
Now that every Nigeria has confirmed that their president is critically ill, the logical step that the government of Nigeria should do is to transfer power to the vice president Mr. Goodluck Jonathan without further delays. With the kind of ailments that Musa Yar Adua is suffering from, it will still take a long time for him to be able to execute presidential duties in Nigeria.
Musa Yar Adua spoke for close to one minute in a low, breaking and strained voice that betrayed his pain and ill health. He sought to reassure Nigerians that he is alive but his voice could not dispel the fears of a cabbage president. He said that ‘he hope he will make tremendous progress that will allow him to return to his duties’ From his words, he himself is not convinced of if and when he will be well.
He also took the opportunity to wish the Super Eagles success in Cup of African Nations campaign.
He told Nigerians that he is undergoing treatment and will return to his presidential duties as soon as his doctors could release him. When asked when, he said that the answer lies with his doctors and health.
If Musa Yar Adua could resign or is impeached, it will lift the anxiety of return and give him room to concentrate on his health.
It is for the good of Nigeria that the president hand over power. His absence is already hurting Africa’s most populous country. His voice and leadership was conspicuously missing in the biggest diplomatic fix that Nigeria has ever been embroiled in history; Umar Farouk Abdumutallab’s botched attempt to bomb a Detroit bound US jetliner.
The subsequent black listing of Nigeria by the US as a terrorist hub is still unresolved. Even though Umar Farouk Abdumutallab’s terrorism attempt is the first case, Nigeria has now been lumped with Yemen, Somalia and other notorious countries as possible hosts of terrorists. A diplomatic lobby could easily overturn this but the president is AWOL.
The economy of Nigeria might as well be hurting. There are allegations that Musa Yar Adua’s signature was forged and appended to the budget. The Chief Justice tenure is the subject of a law suit owing to the absence of Musa Yar Adua in his swearing in ceremony as per the constitution.
For a country that has the reputation of the most corrupt country in Africa, the absence of firm and direct leadership cannot be gainsaid. Some incorrigible leaders in his government might be siphoning off oil money out of state coffers.
Again, for a country that has suffered the most military coups in Africa that sits in a vey unstable region, fears of a military coup are not totally unfounded. Guinea Conakry, her neighbor to the west suffered a coup immediately the President Mr. Lassane Conte died. The power vacuum might tempt some unruly military officers.
Already, the truce that was signed with Niger Delta rebels is wavering and militants are back to their saboteur mission.
The anxiety that has gripped Nigeria is affecting her productivity immensely. Speculations on his health are flying from every Nigerian lip. Today, opposition figures and human rights activists lead by Nobel laureate Prof Wole Soyinka are holding a demonstration. Electioneering mood will soon grip Nigeria. Calls of impeachment of the President are gaining momentum.
The problem with Africa as a whole is that leaders do not have the conscience to resign even when their position is untenable. They are under hostage of a lot of interests. Selfish, tribal and godfathers. Musa Yar Adua is faced with the same situation. There is talk that he cant be replaced with the vice president Goodluck Jonathan simply because he is a southerner while the turn is of a northerner where Musa Yar Adua hails from. Olesugun Obasanjo was a northerner.
I wish Musa Yar Adua could display one last act of statesmanship and leadership by transferring power to his Vice President and save Nigeria unnecessary trouble. He should know that he is not indispensable and that the interest of 140 Million people is more important that the interest of one man.
I wish him quick recovery and a much quicker sense of leadership!
Today’s BBC interview with Musa Yar Adua in a hospital bed in Saudi Arabia for the first time in 50 days since he was hospitalized for a heart and kidney condition confirmed my two worst fears: that Musa Yar Adua’s health is bleak and that he is probably too sick to notice that he cannot execute the duties as the President of Nigeria effectively.
Now that every Nigeria has confirmed that their president is critically ill, the logical step that the government of Nigeria should do is to transfer power to the vice president Mr. Goodluck Jonathan without further delays. With the kind of ailments that Musa Yar Adua is suffering from, it will still take a long time for him to be able to execute presidential duties in Nigeria.
Musa Yar Adua spoke for close to one minute in a low, breaking and strained voice that betrayed his pain and ill health. He sought to reassure Nigerians that he is alive but his voice could not dispel the fears of a cabbage president. He said that ‘he hope he will make tremendous progress that will allow him to return to his duties’ From his words, he himself is not convinced of if and when he will be well.
He also took the opportunity to wish the Super Eagles success in Cup of African Nations campaign.
He told Nigerians that he is undergoing treatment and will return to his presidential duties as soon as his doctors could release him. When asked when, he said that the answer lies with his doctors and health.
If Musa Yar Adua could resign or is impeached, it will lift the anxiety of return and give him room to concentrate on his health.
It is for the good of Nigeria that the president hand over power. His absence is already hurting Africa’s most populous country. His voice and leadership was conspicuously missing in the biggest diplomatic fix that Nigeria has ever been embroiled in history; Umar Farouk Abdumutallab’s botched attempt to bomb a Detroit bound US jetliner.
The subsequent black listing of Nigeria by the US as a terrorist hub is still unresolved. Even though Umar Farouk Abdumutallab’s terrorism attempt is the first case, Nigeria has now been lumped with Yemen, Somalia and other notorious countries as possible hosts of terrorists. A diplomatic lobby could easily overturn this but the president is AWOL.
The economy of Nigeria might as well be hurting. There are allegations that Musa Yar Adua’s signature was forged and appended to the budget. The Chief Justice tenure is the subject of a law suit owing to the absence of Musa Yar Adua in his swearing in ceremony as per the constitution.
For a country that has the reputation of the most corrupt country in Africa, the absence of firm and direct leadership cannot be gainsaid. Some incorrigible leaders in his government might be siphoning off oil money out of state coffers.
Again, for a country that has suffered the most military coups in Africa that sits in a vey unstable region, fears of a military coup are not totally unfounded. Guinea Conakry, her neighbor to the west suffered a coup immediately the President Mr. Lassane Conte died. The power vacuum might tempt some unruly military officers.
Already, the truce that was signed with Niger Delta rebels is wavering and militants are back to their saboteur mission.
The anxiety that has gripped Nigeria is affecting her productivity immensely. Speculations on his health are flying from every Nigerian lip. Today, opposition figures and human rights activists lead by Nobel laureate Prof Wole Soyinka are holding a demonstration. Electioneering mood will soon grip Nigeria. Calls of impeachment of the President are gaining momentum.
The problem with Africa as a whole is that leaders do not have the conscience to resign even when their position is untenable. They are under hostage of a lot of interests. Selfish, tribal and godfathers. Musa Yar Adua is faced with the same situation. There is talk that he cant be replaced with the vice president Goodluck Jonathan simply because he is a southerner while the turn is of a northerner where Musa Yar Adua hails from. Olesugun Obasanjo was a northerner.
I wish Musa Yar Adua could display one last act of statesmanship and leadership by transferring power to his Vice President and save Nigeria unnecessary trouble. He should know that he is not indispensable and that the interest of 140 Million people is more important that the interest of one man.
I wish him quick recovery and a much quicker sense of leadership!
Iris Robinson Affair pushing Peter Robinson to Resign: should Iris Robinson be forgiven for the Affair?
Cougar Iris Robinson, 60, aka "Wicked Witch of the North" tryst with a 19 year old teenager is about to cost his husband ,Northern Ireland's First Minister, Peter Robinson his political life. The scandal stems from the £50,000 she winkled from two businessmen to help her toyboy set up a café. What a lucky dude that boy is!
Iris Robinson who had tried to kill herself while suffering depression after the affair is reported to be receiving acute psychiatric treatment in Belfast. A sweet turn of fate for a vixen who once suggested that homosexuals should seek psychiatric counseling!
A smug Christian, who describes herself as ‘born again and again Christian’ is making life difficult for Peter Robinson who is now facing mounting pressure to resign over her affair with the teenager and her irregular financial dealings.
This could not have come at a worse time for Peter Robinson who is faced with political instability and renewed insurgence in Northern Ireland.
Nobody expected Iris Robinson, who dismisses gay as ‘an abomination’, to be embroiled in such a scandal! It is not shocking though, like all other self proclaimed moralists, they preach water and take wine in the cover of darkness. The fall is hardest for them, no wonder Irish Robinson attempted suicide out of shame.
Iris Robinson said the affair started when she was providing support to a man who had suffered a bereavement. She said she would "pay any price on earth" to take back the wrong she had done and added that she believed she has been forgiven by God. She subsequently resigned as DUP member for Strangford in December.
In 2008 she was voted "UK Bigot of the Year 2008" by gay rights association Stonewall.
Should Peter Robinson forgive Iris Robinson for the infidelity and political troubles?
China Faces Bride Shortage: How Can China Stave Off Bride Shortage?
China is doing very well economically but fairing very badly socially. Forget urinating in escalators, loud clearing of throats and spitting in public, there is a new social bomb ticking. Bride shortage!
Yesterday it overtook Germany as the leading commodity exporter in the world but soon, she will be importing brides for her male population.
More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses by 2020, says the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
It cites sex-specific abortions as a major factor, due to China's traditional bias towards male children. The academy says gender selection abortions are "extremely common". This is especially true in rural areas, and ultra-sound scans, first introduced in the late 1980s, have increased the practice.
The latest figures show that for every 100 girls born in China, 119 boys are born, the academy says in a new book.
Researcher Wang Guangzhou, quoted by the Global Times newspaper, said the implications were that men in poorer parts of China may remain single throughout their life.
"The chance of getting married will be rare if a man is more than 40-years. In some provinces, 130 boys are born for each 100 girls, the book says.
Experts at the academy also predict the gender imbalance will lead to more inter-generational marriages, where a wife is older than her husband.
These statistics are very grim and it is unfortunate that China would not turn to her almost equally populous neighbor, India, for brides. They are in a big bride shortage mess themselves. The exorbitant dowry paid for girls in India has ensured that girls are aborted just like in China.
What should China do to stave off the bride shortage?
Of late, UAE and other Asian countries have resorted to leasing huge tracts of land in Africa to farm so as to feed their populations back home. The logic is that food will be one of the most expensive commodities in years to come. China should also contract African couples to bear and raise girls to be married off by unlucky males in China. A new export business that will be dubbed ‘contract parenting’ will sprout in Africa and will boost foreign exchange earnings in Africa as well as curb trade imbalances.
It will kill more than one stone for China by blending Chinese genes thus improving height, size and shape of eyes, facial features and mannerisms. There is no downside except Africans may sow seeds of laziness, corruption and Christianity in China.
With today’s globalization and cybermarriages, who is gonna worry about shortage of brides in one’s village?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Ways of attracting tourists: the power of sex in tourist attraction
Much spirited effort has been applied to sex up our tourism industry in the past. In spite of the endeavor, so many tourists choose to spend their Euros and Dollars elsewhere. Conventional tourism is losing out fast without our knowledge. We have to play catch up and soon before our hotels complete the rotting cycle.
After in-depth research, I have found out the missing link and how we can bridge the gap without spending too much resources. It involves curving out an attraction niche that will guarantee an edge over our competitors. We simply have to complement our natural tourist attraction potential with a touch of romance.
The routine is to blend white beaches at the coast with white thighs and flavor our wild animals’ attraction with gyrating wild sex. We have to complement our sunny weather with sumptuous beauties. Sun, sand and sex safari packages should be our tourism mantra. What we have always missed in the equation is the fact that sex make the world to move.
Our bitches are too ready and too willing to play peek-a-boo; every girl I meet is dreaming of a white boyfriend, sugar daddy, husband or a white fling? Why, the power of the greenback! The sight of a dollar loosens panties and makes every woman with a brain go wet. Their problem has always been how to net the elusive white dicks.
Legions of our chicks are in sites such as Tagged, Afrointroductions and Plentyoffish.com. All dreaming of digging out a white gold. You should see their pics on these sites! Boobs, asses, thighs are exposed to advantage. Pity em sweet gals! Desperados are burning money on adverts in Lonely Hearts with the all too common refrain…sweet, sexy, caring Kenyan gal looking for Caucasian man…
C’mon guys! There are no lonely hearts in Kenya, there are only lonely pockets waiting for Caucasian money. It is unfortunate that we have an insensitive and an unthinking government, otherwise, it would have noticed this and build a multimillion sex industry. Humdrum methods are doing us no good, agencies and even adverts on CNN are yet to bring meaningful gains. Sheer waste of dosh.
Have our tourist marketing gurus ever visited Thailand and Rio? What is the secret behind the millions of tourists that swipe credit cards in their hotels and hurry to nowhere in their beaches? The answer is no more than a three letter word: SEX!
A local example is in order. Ever been to Malindi? This Italian town thrives on pussie. I didn’t see a single broke gal in that town. Our wily Shiros hooked the Italians to pussie. The pussie-fuddled Italians threw their return ticket to the blue sea. Word of fairy tale cunts went back to Italy and every dying Italian punter trooped into Malindi and built a villa, married Shiro and before long, Euros started flowing to Kabete by the Millions. Don’t forget that the will has been drawn and safely tucked in Shiro’s bra. Business is booming!
Imagine if we were to replicate this in other towns along the coast. Have Akinyis hook Arabs and make Mombasa the New Dubai. Millions of oil money will be remitted to Kisumu to build skyscrapers. Fatumas to offer a buffet of fresh cunt to Germans and make the south coast another Dusseldorf and watch how poverty in Kwale will be a long forgotten historical phenomenon. And so forth.
How do we get there? Our Ministry of Tourism should embrace the following:
1. Build low cost hostels for gals at the coast where they can ply their trade
2. Legalize prostitution
3. Facilitate a feature of Kenyan pussie delicacy in Playboy magazine
4. Offer soft loans to gals who want to venture into the pussie trade- for buying lingerie, panties, perfumes and etc
5. Start sex co-operative societies along the coast so that gals can save up their proceeds.
6. Offer free courses in Italian, Spanish, German and French at an institute to be set up specifically for this purpose. Our gals will be able to communicate effectively with the tourists.
7. Offer free sex coaching by government sexologists to impart better sex techniques
8. Attract pornographic producers to shoot videos at our coast featuring Kenyan gals and distribute them worldwide
9. Set up annual sex expo and jamboree to show case our sexual prowess as a nation
10. Set up annual miss sex tourism pageant
11. Commence a reward scheme for chicks who manage to winkle the most money out of tourists
12. Close Mama Ngina drive to the public and make it an exclusive sex picnic
13. Erect bill boards in major tourist source markets featuring Kenyan gals
14. Request Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and Silvio Berlusconi to endorse our prostitutes
15. Have one public day that honors and celebrates sex trade
16. Have a minister of sex tourism and appoint one nominated MP who is an active pussie trader
17. Have a sex traders and allied workers union
18. Erect a statue of a nude sex worker in Parliament to replace that of Jomo Kenyatta
19. Make postcards and stamps of skimpy and voluptuous Kenyan gals
20. Name a street in Nairobi after sex say Kuma Street and the likes
If we adopt the above tourist attraction measures, our economy will grow in leaps and bounds! Thailand will pale in comparison and Rio will be reduced to a market place experience!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Enough of Same-Sex Marriage Debate: Let Same-Sex Marriage Couples have it!
There are new tidings from Gayshire, Portugal's parliament has passed a law to legalize same-sex marriage while Ugandan President has dismissed the proposed anti-gay law that had proposed a death penalty for homosexual acts as draconian. The other day, gays in New Hampshire celebrated the New Year with Same-sex nuptials while Argentinean gays have a reason to smile after a provincial governor issued a decree allowing a gay double (couple) to wed.
Gayshire is flowing with jism and honey you may say!
The only grey area is Malawi, where two gays who are ‘guilty’ of same-sex pre-wedding ceremony are still behind bars, without bail. Supposedly to protect them from anti-gay lynch mob. Left the authorities testing them to ascertain whether they had had sex!
Portugal joins a growing list of European states that allow Same-sex marriage. Others are Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Norway. A host of other states allow gay unions.
The pattern is allowing gay unions then go full swing and legalize Same-sex marriages. This development is gaining currency in US states.
I feel the same-sex marriage debate is unnecessary and a waste of time. All indications are that eventually, all states in the world would accept same-sex marriages. A good student of history will tell you that the struggle against previous injustices: the end of slave trade, colonialism in Africa, and quest for civil rights in the US followed the same trend that the struggle for same-sex marriage is taking. It will finally be universally accepted. It can only be delayed but it cannot be stopped.
Time to do it is now!
Gays and lesbians have lived amongst us and they will be with us for a very very long time to come. In fact, till the end of time. It is dishonest to dismiss it as a fad and stupid to wish it away. A society cannot live in denial forever. We cannot refute this social phenomenon; those who do are hypocrites and dictators at the least.
Let gays and lesbians be, they are innocent children of God. As much as we cannot change our sexual orientation, so are they. We cannot shout the loudest in public against same-sex marriages yet our children, brothers, sisters and neighbors are cohabiting illegally as gays under our noses. We got to be real.
(Hey! please, who will tell the Roman Catholic Church to shut up? They are the worst children abusers around and yet they shout the loudest against same-sex marriages. Reactionary charlatans!)
The UN should be pro-active and move a resolution to adopt same-sex marriage to spare us all these charade. In any case, it is just a matter of time before same-sex marriage tide become too strong to be resisted. The momentum is already gathering speed.
What I am not sure; and this will remain a contentious issue for a long time is granting same-sex couples the right to adopt children. Can children be safe in their hands?
This fear arises from the fact that same-sex married couples are regarded as perverts who could abuse children. I haven’t associated with gays to be in a position to give an honest and objective opinion on this. But again, our society is replete with pedophiles that are sexually straight. How many fathers in heterosexual marriages have abused their children? Very many!
Another reason why society is against same-sex couples adopting children is so that they see the sense in heterosexual marriages. This assumption stems from the notion that homosexuals are pretenders who could easily become normal if they so wish. I have reasons enough to believe that homosexuality is not learnt but natural. But again, why would society not bar straight couples who opt not to bear own children from adopting children? Is this not double standards?
However long the same-sex debate take, the verdict will not change, gays and lesbians are part of us and should be granted equal rights. History teaches us that no injustice can last forever!
Isn’t the same-sex marriage debate fueled by homophobia, intolerance and ignorance?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Defne Bayrak is Shocked but Proud of the CIA Killer!
Defne Bayrak ,the Turkish wife of Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi -- a Jordanian doctor identified as the attacker in the suicide bombing on a U.S. base in Khost, in southeastern Afghanistan, that killed seven CIA officers and contractors, and a Jordanian army captain. -- said she doubted accusations her husband had been an intelligence agent, but was satisfied he did not die in vain.
On an interview with CNN, Defne Bayrak said she is shocked by his actions but "proud" of what he did. "I am proud of my husband. My husband accomplished a very big operation in such a war," she told reporters. "If he is a martyr, may God accept his martyrdom." Defne Bayak said in the interview.
I hope the CIA is listening because this is a serious statement that portray how deeply ingrained the hatred against US is in the Muslim world.
Obama yesterday railed against CIA and other security agents for failing to connect the dots in the botched bombing of a jetliner over Detroit. I hope they have picked this one dot. The other day, a top intelligence officer took issue with how the war in Afghanistan is being fought without sufficient knowledge of the local culture.
What Defne Bayrak reaction portrays is:
I. That the war against the US is fought collectively by Muslims (imagine a woman who has just lost her husband and should ordinarily be mourning is unperturbed but proud)
II. That killing an American is considered martyrdom
III. That most Muslims, including those who are not extremists are against what the US is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq
IV. That Muslims are a secretive lot (Defne Bayrak was not aware that her husband was working as an intelligence agent, even if she knew, she would not have divulged)
V. That most Muslims are convinced that the war against US is a Jihad
His brother told CNN that al-Balawi's actions were "out of character" and that the man was "under pressure." This shows that the influence of Muslim clerics, Al Qaeda leaders and the Muslim faith in general is too strong and very few are willing to betray the call for Jihad by Al Qaeda and other extremists.
Could it be that the US Military and intelligence have been viewing the war on Christian prism? Otherwise how could the CIA trust this man? Given his story i.e. his earlier arrest in Jordan for harboring extremist views should have been sufficient grounds to dissociate with this man. To believe that he was rehabilitated point to recklessness on the side of the CIA. Obama is right; somebody is not doing the job right!
Winning this war hinges on understanding the Islamic psyche!
In light of the CIA killings in Afghanistan and the attempted bombing over Detroit, Obama was right that these guys are missing the point.
Should the intelligence system be overhauled? Should someone face the sack?
Vagina Connoisseur’s List!
Forget about gynaes, biologists or sexologists! Those are theoreticians. Based on first hand experience, pussie aficionados gave me the following list of the twenty five different types of cunts that African gals carry between their legs:
1. deep vagina aka the Bermuda Triangle
2. shallow vagina aka lake Tanganyika
3. long clit vagina ( Uganda Pussie) aka the satellite
4. short clit vagina aka the short wave
5. broad clit vagina
6. no clit vagina aka Old Kissii District
7. big lips vagina aka smiling Jane
8. silent vagina aka the examination room
9. noisy vagina aka the movie soundtrack
10. warm vagina aka the climate change conference
11. frigid vagina aka the Arctic
12. water logged ( Victoria) vagina( Common in Uganda)
13. stinking vagina aka the Chernobyl Disaster
14. broad vagina aka the Atlantic
15. narrow vagina aka the Strait of Gibraltar
16. Sahara Dry Vagina
17. tasteless vagina ( Somali gals) aka the Sharia law
18. buttoned vagina ( has some round buttons deep inside)
19. rough walled vagina ( rough on the front side when fingered) aka stone quarry
20. slimy vagina ( is wet and slimy) also known as the snail
21. plump vagina ( is bulbous and raised on the outside)
22. flat vagina ( flat on the outside- typical of slim gals)
23. Aromatic vagina aka designer perfume
24. flappy vagina aka the Roman Empire
25. others aka the nondescript
Guys, which one did you had last nite? Ladies, which one is your type?