Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to Win a Parliamentary Seat: Great Tips on Winning a Parliamentary Seat

How to Win a Parliamentary Seat: Great Tips on Winning a Parliamentary Seat

Politics like a business is a huge investment. Much time, energy and resources are expended towards winning a seat yet most of it goes to waste since it is only one individual who wins at the end of the day.

Running for political office is becoming more competitive, sophisticated and elusive; many a career and financial security has been wrecked by failure to capture it.

In spite of all its shortcomings, politics is still a very rewarding and interesting career and many people are waiting to throw their hats on the ring.

The one million dollar question is, are there rules in politics or it is a game of chance? My answer is yes. Every game has its rules.

After many years in the rough and tumble of campaigning at national and local levels, I have gleaned the following must-dos:

1. Availability- the amount of time that you are physically available to interact with the electorates is directly proportional to the number of votes you will get.

2. Home support- the more support you have in your locality determines the amount of buzz you can generate in the wider constituency. If your neighbors speak well of your candidature, those who are far will gain confidence in you. NB: Other people do better convincing than you can do for self.

3. Network- the kind of network you have in the constituency is a vital head start. Church network, drinking mates, professional affiliation, alumni network, business network, family network etc provides a solid backing. Comrades rarely betray!

4. Resources- politics is a money intensive endeavor. Logistics, advertisements and bribes demands a fully loaded war chest. The bigger the budget, the better your chances. Money buys anything!

5. Generosity- generosity plays a key part in a person’s character. Generosity points to a dependable leader. You got to be creative with it though. It should come out like it is your nature rather than calculated to impress or buy votes. If it portrays a charitable, humane heart that cares for the less fortunate then you have your votes. If it is done clumsily so it looks like flamboyancy, you have no votes but an electorate hell-bent to prove that your money can take you nowhere! They say –touch a heart before you can ask for a hand.

6. Campaign platform- the campaign message is vital. What the electorate stand to gain from electing you should be summarized in one pithy and acerbic message. The campaign slogan should be catchy, sexy and romantic. Your mission should be spelt out by your campaign message.

7. Party affiliation- being in the right party that your constituents identify with is important.

8. Connection with national leaders- proving that you are connected at the top adds to your marks. Most electorates want somebody who is no stranger to shakers and movers of national politics. That’s why celebrities are used to advertise products. It is called association in simple English. If they can endorse your candidature directly, the better. If they don’t, behave like they have done so.

9. Party honchos- in as much as the grass roots is important, most parties in Africa are still lacking in internal democracy. To win a popular party ticket takes much more than a fair nomination. Connection with the party big brass ensures that you get the ticket when you win it.

10. Playing Hardball- you should be prepared beyond defeat. A lose is a lose in politics however unfair. A win is a win however unfair. Hardball means having an extra card below the table. To overturn a stolen political win is harder than stealing one. Steal if you can. Welcome to politics!

11. Timing- if the incumbent is still very popular, you can wait for the next election. Don’t expose yourself to defeat, it will adulterate your CV.

12. Appeal- try to be friendly, free and lively when mixing with the electorate. Be confident when addressing them. Personalize your association with them as much as possible. Know their names. Greet them with a firm handshake. Smile. Relate with their situation. Act like you are one of them. Give them hope in despair. Appeal to their emotions. Be an actor!

13. Propaganda- if you can’t handle political propaganda then leave it to the KGB. Get some spins to protect/promote your image. Some propaganda against others can be repulsive to the electorate when discovered. Be careful when playing with it. Always defend yourself when attacked. Don’t let your rivals have a field day. Remember, doubts are very harmful in politics, dispel them when directed at you, dish them out against your opponents.

14. Evaluate yourself- you can do a secret but objective polling to test issues and popularity

15. Be in good terms with opinion leaders- visit them way before the actual campaign

16. Be a good orator- practice makes perfect!

17. Weigh your competitors

18. Play to the expectations of the electorate

19. Take time to work out a campaign structure- have a very effective, secretive, well vetted campaign team. Even Jesus had twelve of them!

20. Advertise like crazy- have the most campaign paraphernalia, more visible and most colorful. Generate a buzz. Make your campaign stylish and flamboyant. Do some populist stunts if you can.

21. Work very hard- I am yet to know a more demanding exercise like campaigning. Be ready to go the extra mile.

22. Don’t lie- avoid unnecessary pledges that you cannot meet, especially financial. Be honest and don’t fear saying no.

23. Pray God

24. See you in the ballot.

25. Good luck!

Any left out?

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