Whoever cheated Jimmy Kibaki that he can be a credible national figure just by dint of his father being the President of Kenya should be jailed. I watched him today opening a school in Keiyo and for once I thought I was seeing an Irish Catholic Priest in supplication. His demeanor belongs to golf courses, brothels, clubs, hotel lobbies and not the competitive trenches of Kenyan politics.
Just because your father is a successful politician does not give you a carte blanche to be one. You are either cut for politics or not. Sometimes fire begets a bigger fire or cold ashes. Jaramogi Odinga and to some lesser extend Jomo Kenyatta and Jeremiah Nyaga beget bonfires. Moi beget faggots and cold ashes in the name of Gideon Moi and co. If the one to carry the mantle for Mwai Kibaki is Jimmy Kibaki then this is another sure miss. Though Mwai Kibaki is nothing to write home about, his son is something to hide your face about.
Recently, Raila Odinga’s alcohol-headed son Fidel also crawled out of the woodwork to declare interest in some parliamentary seat. This guy, to say the least looks shy and effeminate. I can’t bet a disused ten cent coin on him. The much he can be is Raila Odinga’s son. Period.
I suggest Gideon Moi, Jimmy Kibaki and Fidel Odinga should form a Political Elites’ Children Choir to be based in some exclusive club in town to spare us the agony of seeing miserable political wannabes on TV.
By the way, why is it that every other son or daughter of a rich political crook in this country spots the tag of businessman in this country? I have known. This is to cover up their dubious educational credentials, career less indolence and utter lack of purpose in life. It cannot be a coincidence that Jimmy Kibaki, Gideon Moi, Fidel Odinga et al are said to be career businessmen. What is the name of their successful enterprises? What products do they sell? These guys are either spoilt beer swirling pussie-hounds, wheeler dealers or crooked brief case suppliers and contractors in this town. In any case, their names alone turn state largesse taps and win irregular tenders. Businessmen indeed!
Where has Jimmy been all these years? Why did he wait till he is a grandfather to count himself amongst the youths? Some of us were politically active in teens. Are rich brats late bloomers? It seems they kick the diapers much later than the rest of us. Even Uhuru Kenyatta was dragged from obscurity to be a minister at forty kitu. Lol! Reminds me Uhuru Kenyatta’s hair style in 2001! He looked like an old rat.
So Jimmy Kibaki materialized from oblivion and founded Simama Kenya; a rudderless NGO, merry—go-round, lobby group or whatever contraption he claims it is. Agenda: to speak for the youth, empower them economically, unite the country blah blah. It is almost a year now since Simama Kenya was formed, what has it done for the youth apart from endorsing political non starters for presidents and defending political thieves?
Wait, I thought Jimmy you had said Simama Kenya was a non-political outfit. It seems you are now tired of living a lie. Or is it that you are sincere and you don’t really know what it stands for. You look the sheepishly sincere types anyway.
Haiya, I almost forgot a very important thing, you praised Mr. William Ruto for his development record and defended him in the maize scandal in the same rally. Well, you were accompanied by his hapless lackeys anyway. I am sorry; if defending William Ruto is your idea of youth empowerment then you are a confused nothing.
Simama Kenya was suspect in the first place.
We are the youths of this country, poor, jobless and lacking in economic opportunities but we are not blithering idiots. We can tell a political opportunist, charlatan and a pretender when we see one. We also understand the desperation of worthless politicians to be identified with the youth.
So, Tony Gachoka is the spokesperson for Simama Kenya? Thank you Sir. We all know who he is. We wish Simama Kenya Godspeed though we are fully aware that loudmouths have never been of any use to the Kenyan youth before otherwise we would all be in el dorado by now.
I am sorry for shortening the name of your quixotic venture and hurting its reputation. The right name is Simama Kenya Youth Initiative! Yes, a youth initiative by a 48 year old geezer. Indeed, what an initiative!
I Googled Simama Kenya and it returned a Youtube Video of a Kenyan song. So you guys don’t even have a website? Your earlier motto: Roundi hii si mchezo, was another song, not bad, can see you are knowledgeable on popular youth culture. Are you sure you won’t be perceived as hopeless copycats? Youth is about creativity.
Jimmy Kibaki, you have a political agenda, so desist from hiding under the banner of youth. Roll your sleeves and fight it out dirty with other Kenyan politicians though I am worried your predisposition hardly makes the cut. In the dais, you look dazed and diffident. It is as if someone is holding a gun on your head. In speech you are uninspiring, cold and flat. You talk in rallies like you are addressing a small group of Sunday School children.
You are the kind that sleeping pills are made of. Think you are better off back in the businessman identikirit that slothful children of Kenyan politically rich hide.
For now, the Kenyan youths are still groping in the dark for a redeemer. Amongst our options, you just so bottom in the heap.
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