Friday, March 26, 2010

Disband The Catholic Church and Make Brothels of its Premises

In the wake of sexual abuses that has continued to plague the Roman Catholic Church dating decades back and involving priests, bishops, arch-bishops and the Pope himself, I find it untenable for it to continue existing as a church institution.

The catholic church priests are finding it more attractive and worthwhile to use the institution of the church to exploit the trust that the faithfuls have of the church as a means to satisfy their perveted sexual desires.

The sexual abuses are so widespread in both time, scope, and severity and cuts across the hierarchy of the church that I am made to conclude that the Catholic Church should be let to be what they love to do best: to be a brothel house ran by priests, with the same structure from the parishes to Vatican.

The Catholic Church has failed to live to its name. It symbolizes pain and suffering to the many individuals and famililes that its agents have abused. It is no longer a haven of spiritual refuge but a source of anguish. It has ceased to be a fountain of solace, instead has become a cesspit of immorality.

It has dissappointed her believers, has scattered away her flock as her shepperds have turned wolves.

If the Catholic Church find it worth of their calling to philander and prostitute their trust then we better leave them to do so and be labelled as such. Everybody will know that they are entering not a house of prayer but a fully-fledged brothel.

The complains and cries will henceforth end as those who will be entering their precincts will be fully aware of what they are going there for.

I am saying this because it is now evident that the Catholic Church is unwilling to rein on her errant priests. Instead they cover their misdeeds and shield them from the law. No less than the Pope himself has been accused of covering up for the perverts.

As I was growing up in a tiny community and attending the village Catholic Church, there were rumors of parish priests fornicating and impregnating girls. These days, they still do it. Going with other people's wives and the greatest punishment the church ever meted on them was to be transferred to another parish. To continue their licentious mission there.

Recently, my local priest went ahead to squander the money raised to build a church.

The flock is thinning and wrangles are endless.

The Catholic Church is too rotten for repair and hence should be disbanded! The people running it have other priorities: sex tops the list, spiritual service comes last!
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  1. Wonderful and thought provoking..... Priest are not immune to temptations, so let's all pray that they may have the courage to stay true to their vocation.

  2. sometimes what people do sends one mad...i wrote that a long time ago, obviuosly i was mad with the em..thenkx
