Friday, February 26, 2010

Patriotic Duty: Evade Taxes and Lynch Corrupt Ministers!

During the Turkish occupation of Greece, it was a patriotic obligation for Greeks to evade taxes. Under the British colonialization, the refrain among Americans was ‘no taxation without representation.’

The current situation in Kenya where our taxes are used to pay corrupt ministers is akin to the Greek and American situation in many ways.

One, it is the poor people who pay taxes in this country. MPs do not pay taxes to start with. They import their cars tax free to boot. The companies of the rich bribe KRA to evade taxes. Jua Kali artisans on Jogoo Road, who have been made deaf by molding scrap metals to be made into household goods sold to fellow paupers, are the one who pay taxes. Small scale business persons are sustaining our economy; the big dogs take all their catch to the bank.

Unfortunately, the taxes that the poor pay do not support effective health care or finance public schools for them. Government officials steal most of the money. Sam Ongeri and his gang pocketed FPE cash and took the remainder to his Kissii schools. Kibaki patted him on the back for a job well done and fired junior officials. How does a genuine tax payer feel? Disillusioned if not worse.

By the way who will tell Kibaki to shut up about the fight against corruption? He irritates my ears stiff. How can he blabber against corruption and go on to re-appoint the ministers we manage to haunt of their offices? This guy cannot convince a mad man. He should just sleep in State House till 2012. We demand nothing more from him. Not anymore. We have seen the much he can do. Thank you Sir!

Secondly, the taxes that jobless entrepreneurs pay are used to pay salaries of the employed sons and daughters of the wealthy elite to do nothing for us. If you are poor, however well educated, you don’t get employed. Your place is in the informal sector. Hawker, jua kali artisan, manamba, house girl, anything but not a decent job. Good jobs are the preserve of the rich. The children of the oligarchs get employed so that you toil in the sun to pay their salaries. The same fate awaits your children. It is hereditary.

Your taxes are even used to satisfy the sexual appetites of the political elite. They prostitute our sisters, girl friends and our wives with their ill gotten money. We pay for their luxury villas, limousines and holidays. Their businesses keep springing up. Open spaces are disappearing as they put up hotels and estates. We are pushed to the slums.

What should we do to curb this? Sabotage and lynching is the only antidote.

Mob justice is rampant in this country. We kill small thieves because we don’t trust our justice system. They will pay their way out. Instant justice has proved effective for small time thieves. It will also work for the fat thieves in big offices.

Extra-judicial killings are almost legal in Kenya. Police kill robbers and muggers everyday. Of course they don’t kill the rich who steal by the billions. They kill small thieves to protect the wealth of rich thieves. Isn’t time Wananchi take up the role of lynching the rich thieves?

Mungiki is a child of neglect, poverty and deprivation. Unfortunately they terrorize and extort from the poor. I wish they could play Robin Hood; steal from the rich thieves and used the proceeds to alleviate their own poverty. It will work like this, anybody suspected of corruption, say Ongeri and Ruto, their property be targeted for looting. Kidnap their kids and demand ransom. Bomb their buildings and burn their houses. That way the rich thieves will stop stealing from us.

At the height of apartheid, Winnie Mandela called for ‘neck lacing’ of traitors in Soweto. The same fate should befall the vampires sucking our blood. If one big thief is lynched, the rest will be deterred from stealing our hard earned money. If the rich thinks this won’t happen, then they are mistaken. Injustice and frustration beget the worst form of violence. Suicide bombers and martyrs are a product of injustice and repression. If the political elite think we are tame, they better know it won’t be forever.

We don’t trust this government to fight for us. State institutions have failed us completely. I once went to a house of an activist. He had labeled his toilet- ‘state house’, his dust bin -‘Kenya National Assembly’, and his pigsty -‘the High Court of Kenya’. Nothing can describe the rot in our institutions than this.

The day we stop worshipping thieves who steal from us, is the day Kenya will move forward. So far, we fight thieves by shouting and demonstrations. This has proved ineffective. It failed with Ongeri and Ruto. They have learned that we tire shouting after some time and we retreat to our misery. Even when it works, the Corruption High Priest in the hill returns them to the cabinet after awhile.

Big thieves beware! Soon, very soon, the army of the unemployed will be baying for your blood. In the meantime let us make evading taxes a national sport of the poor!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Umaru Yar Adua’s Critical Health Poses a Big Hurdle for Mischievous Loyalists

The highly choreographed hauling of sick former Nigerian president Umaru Yar Adua in the cover of darkness back to Nigerian soil smelt of mischief. His loyalists are hell bent on returning him to power but his ill health is posing a big hurdle. He is very sick and Nigerians will not be convinced he is in a position to lead. The scheme appears to have stalled midstream at least for now and his apologists have been forced back to the drawing board.

The fact that lights were switched off at the airport, he was received with an ICU ambulance with top government officials unaware does not bode well for his return to office soon. Journalists were not allowed to cover him and indeed no photograph was taken of him attest to the fact he is still a very sick fellow. Many Nigerians would not believe he is well till they see him walking and talking at the least.

One question lingers on the minds of many: why bring Yar Adua back in the country when he is not recovered? One very obvious answer is a political scheme by his loyalists to pull the presidential carpet from Goodluck Jonathan’s feet. Yar Adua’s loyalists are scheming to wrest power back and make Yar Adua rule by proxy. This scheme however seems to have aborted.

For the power hungry schemers to abandon the maneuver means the former president is very ill and the conspirators feared the backlash from Nigerian public for propping a lame duck on the presidential seat. Most Nigerians interviewed by the BBC would wish only a fully recovered Yar Adua to return to his duties and for Goodluck Jonathan to act as president till then.

There is one worry though. It seems the conspirators are not done yet. Parliament had ordered that Yar Adua furnishes it with a letter once he comes back to the country. This he has done via his press statement. This poses risks. Could Musa Yar Adua be implying that he is now president and Goodluck Jonathan just executing the role of the president from his Vice Presidential seat? This could be true. The statement by the Presidential Secretary referred to Goodluck Jonathan as the VP and not acting president. The stage could be set for his return.

Already Yar Adua’s presence in the country is causing confusion among the ruling elite. The Executive Council meeting failed to take off. The power elite are realigning themselves afresh to take into account the return of Yar Adua.

This could signify stormy times ahead. A tug of war might emerge between Goodluck Jonathan and Yar Adua’s henchmen. The current relationship between Goodluck Jonathan and Yar Adua is anyone’s guess. Has Goodluck Jonathan been invited to visit the ailing president? I think no. Will he be allowed to see the former president in case he takes the initiative? No. He would have been the one receiving the president at the airport if the relationship would have been that good.

If Yar Adua ever get well and resume his duties. Goodluck Jonathan should consider himself jobless. Yar Adua will not waste a minute before sacking him. Just like he sacked the Justice Minister after assuming power, Yar Adua’s power brokers will do away with him in a flash.

I am worried that Yar Adua’s presence in Nigeria will embolden his loyalists to defy Goodluck Jonathan’s authority and set the stage for political uncertainty which will not be good for Nigeria’s stability.

The much we can do for now is to watch the scenario unfold and pray for Umaru Musa Yar Adua’s quick recovery.

I Dare Raila Odinga To Resign If He Is A Real Democrat!

I have always refrained from playing commentator to the theatre of buffoons that is Kenyan politics. I have since 2008 Post Election Violence retreated to a news-proof fortress to insulate myself from this farce run by hoodlums and ruffians otherwise called leaders by incurable sycophants.

No wonder many US Congressmen are opting out of defending their seats in mid term elections owing to disillusionment with the paralysis in Washington. They are doing this in spite of the fact that they are sure to retain their seats. Bad politics make apolitical of the most foremost of politicians anywhere in the world. Ask many a Kenyan and they will tell you of their frustration with our politics.

This endless charade between Kibaki and Raila over the firing of crooked ministers that never was has however stirred me out of my cocoon.

It is not by accident that Kibaki implicitly castigated Raila in his address to parliament over his overturned firing of corrupt ministers but it seems there is an elaborate plot to humiliate him. Kibaki, in short, is daring Raila to quit the coalition, something he has noticed Raila is not keen on doing and so he wants to fully exploit it to embarrass him.

Even though the coalition government is a bipartisan arrangement, I don’t have the heart to talk about Kibaki. I recompense injury with injury. Since he never talk much himself even when situation so demands, then why should anybody talk about him. In any case, he is not my president. He won through a coup. Maybe he is the president of Central Kenya because he dishes them senior appointments.

My dalliance with Kibaki ended irrevocably in 2003. We gave him an overwhelming mandate to unite and heal Kenya after years of KANU tyranny but instead he brought in Gikuyu tyranny. We showed him we wanted to start on a new slate as far as corruption is concerned but he presided over the worst form of corruption ever. I lost hope on him. He killed our dream for a new Kenya. He squandered the goodwill to finish corruption. I am just wishing it was 2013 tomorrow.

It is fair to just leave him to historians if any will have the desire to pen anything on him He will be lucky to occupy a footnote in the history of this country. In ten years, a Google search on his name will return ; “maybe a former president of an African country.” I am yet to meet the most uninspiring, laid back, indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned, aloof and indecisive president as Kibaki. He is the only that ever was and ever will be.

In the cesspit that is our politics, Raila has some semblance of credentials of a democrat. Since this coalition has failed us miserably, it behooves a true democrat to resign and seek a new mandate to govern and bring about the much needed change. It is on this basis that I dare Raila to resign that we may go for new elections in accordance with the constitution that anchored this coalition arrangement.

I am aware that the government will not end with his resignation. Three minutes after Raila’s resignation, Central Kenya MPs will hold a press conference to announce that the government still stands with Kibaki as president. They will go ahead to give a drawn-out legal interpretation of the constitution to justify their claims. The AG will hold another press conference to concur and the stage will be set for street protests by Luos and the civil society.

I am fully aware of all these but I want Raila to show that his democratic ideals cannot be compromised by the allure of power; that his desire to bring a new dawn in this country cannot be quenched by a fleet of limousines. The test of Raila’s democratic ideals is complete. He has been taunted, teased, embarrassed and sabotaged. In true democracies, coalition governments are wound up for less.

The Dutch coalition government has just collapsed over the contentious issue of recalling 2000 Dutch troops serving in Afghanistan. German, Italian, Canadian and Israeli coalition arrangements often collapse over minor policy differences. It is true democracy at play. Political parties and their leaders have certain ideologies that they cannot compromise however the urge to remain in government.

Why is it not so in Kenya and by extension Africa? The answer is simple. One, there are no real political parties founded on sound ideology. Two, power is exploited for selfish material gain.

The bone of contention between Kibaki and Raila is corruption if not power. Kibaki is a reactionary in the fight against corruption while Raila seems keen to fight corruption. This is a serious policy issue that should have left Kenya staring on the face of another election, possibly a flawed one. But Raila, however his pretence to real democracy is not keen on resigning.

The trappings of power are just too sweet to relinquish. That is why Raila is calling for outside intervention to salvage the coalition arrangement. That is why he is the one extending the olive branch to Kibaki. That is why he is the one keen on talks to douse the fires he started.

The same scenario is playing out in Zimbabwe. Morgan Tshangirai is too befuddled with the little power that Mugabe condescended to him that however much harassments he and his supporters are faced with, he cannot relinquish it. He is always calling SADC to intervene. It is true that life in Zimbabwe is better after the GPA was signed but it can get better. Morgan Tshangirai is too soft on Mugabe and ZANU PF when it comes to pushing for reforms and the full implementations of the GPA.

I am also aware that not all ODM Cabinet Ministers will stand with Raila. The balance of power in the coalition favors PNU. Most ODM ministers have hobnobbed with PNU. A potent example is the embattled agriculture minister William Ruto. He is functionally PNU but nominally ODM. He and his ilk know where the bread is buttered. It is a strategy to make the most gain out of the coalition.

Don’t be cheated that it is for the benefit of the people. The Kalenjin, which he claims to fight for has not seen any tangible benefits from his political infidelity. The only justification is, the hyenas too are well versed in the game of leveraging.

Still, Raila can do us good by resigning to pave way for new elections. To this end, I am keenly awaiting Raila’s response to the implicit challenge by Kibaki to resign. Will he take up the gauntlet? Place your bet!

nI Dare Raila Odinga To Resign If He Is A Real Democrat!

I have always refrained from playing commentator to the theatre of buffoons that is Kenyan politics. I have since 2008 Post Election Violence retreated to a news-proof fortress to insulate myself from this farce run by hoodlums and ruffians otherwise called leaders by incurable sycophants.

No wonder many US Congressmen are opting out of defending their seats in mid term elections owing to disillusionment with the paralysis in Washington. They are doing this in spite of the fact that they are sure to retain their seats. Bad politics make apolitical of the most foremost of politicians anywhere in the world. Ask many a Kenyan and they will tell you of their frustration with our politics.

This endless charade between Kibaki and Raila over the firing of crooked ministers that never was has however stirred me out of my cocoon.

It is not by accident that Kibaki implicitly castigated Raila in his address to parliament over his overturned firing of corrupt ministers but it seems there is an elaborate plot to humiliate him. Kibaki, in short, is daring Raila to quit the coalition, something he has noticed Raila is not keen on doing and so he wants to fully exploit it to embarrass him.

Even though the coalition government is a bipartisan arrangement, I don’t have the heart to talk about Kibaki. I recompense injury with injury. Since he never talk much himself even when situation so demands, then why should anybody talk about him. In any case, he is not my president. He won through a coup. Maybe he is the president of Central Kenya because he dishes them senior appointments.

My dalliance with Kibaki ended irrevocably in 2003. We gave him an overwhelming mandate to unite and heal Kenya after years of KANU tyranny but instead he brought in Gikuyu tyranny. We showed him we wanted to start on a new slate as far as corruption is concerned but he presided over the worst form of corruption ever. I lost hope on him. He killed our dream for a new Kenya. He squandered the goodwill to finish corruption. I am just wishing it was 2013 tomorrow.

It is fair to just leave him to historians if any will have the desire to pen anything on him He will be lucky to occupy a footnote in the history of this country. In ten years, a Google search on his name will return ; “maybe a former president of an African country.” I am yet to meet the most uninspiring, laid back, indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned, aloof and indecisive president as Kibaki. He is the only that ever was and ever will be.

In the cesspit that is our politics, Raila has some semblance of credentials of a democrat. Since this coalition has failed us miserably, it behooves a true democrat to resign and seek a new mandate to govern and bring about the much needed change. It is on this basis that I dare Raila to resign that we may go for new elections in accordance with the constitution that anchored this coalition arrangement.

I am aware that the government will not end with his resignation. Three minutes after Raila’s resignation, Central Kenya MPs will hold a press conference to announce that the government still stands with Kibaki as president. They will go ahead to give a drawn-out legal interpretation of the constitution to justify their claims. The AG will hold another press conference to concur and the stage will be set for street protests by Luos and the civil society.

I am fully aware of all these but I want Raila to show that his democratic ideals cannot be compromised by the allure of power; that his desire to bring a new dawn in this country cannot be quenched by a fleet of limousines. The test of Raila’s democratic ideals is complete. He has been taunted, teased, embarrassed and sabotaged. In true democracies, coalition governments are wound up for less.

The Dutch coalition government has just collapsed over the contentious issue of recalling 2000 Dutch troops serving in Afghanistan. German, Italian, Canadian and Israeli coalition arrangements often collapse over minor policy differences. It is true democracy at play. Political parties and their leaders have certain ideologies that they cannot compromise however the urge to remain in government.

Why is it not so in Kenya and by extension Africa? The answer is simple. One, there are no real political parties founded on sound ideology. Two, power is exploited for selfish material gain.

The bone of contention between Kibaki and Raila is corruption if not power. Kibaki is a reactionary in the fight against corruption while Raila seems keen to fight corruption. This is a serious policy issue that should have left Kenya staring on the face of another election, possibly a flawed one. But Raila, however his pretence to real democracy is not keen on resigning.

The trappings of power are just too sweet to relinquish. That is why Raila is calling for outside intervention to salvage the coalition arrangement. That is why he is the one extending the olive branch to Kibaki. That is why he is the one keen on talks to douse the fires he started.

The same scenario is playing out in Zimbabwe. Morgan Tshangirai is too befuddled with the little power that Mugabe condescended to him that however much harassments he and his supporters are faced with, he cannot relinquish it. He is always calling SADC to intervene. It is true that life in Zimbabwe is better after the GPA was signed but it can get better. Morgan Tshangirai is too soft on Mugabe and ZANU PF when it comes to pushing for reforms and the full implementations of the GPA.

I am also aware that not all ODM Cabinet Ministers will stand with Raila. The balance of power in the coalition favors PNU. Most ODM ministers have hobnobbed with PNU. A potent example is the embattled agriculture minister William Ruto. He is functionally PNU but nominally ODM. He and his ilk know where the bread is buttered. It is a strategy to make the most gain out of the coalition.

Don’t be cheated that it is for the benefit of the people. The Kalenjin, which he claims to fight for has not seen any tangible benefits from his political infidelity. The only justification is, the hyenas too are well versed in the game of leveraging.

Still, Raila can do us good by resigning to pave way for new elections. To this end, I am keenly awaiting Raila’s response to the implicit challenge by Kibaki to resign. Will he take up the gauntlet? Place your bet!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Esther Arunga is a Psychiatric Case!

Seeing Esther Arunga in the dungeon corridors as if she is a cheap slut after a night swoop elicits but a single emotion: PITY! That she had the nerve to smile and wave to the cameras like a prisoner of conscience being whisked away by loathsome agents of a police state confirms our most dreaded fear; that she needs some urgent psychiatric attention!

The often time loquacious country, Kenya, is for once unanimous in prayer after it lost words on what to make of Esther Arunga’s decadence in the name of following a one-man-church that fits all the descriptions of a worthless cult.

It beats all expectations for a veritable TV Queen who was admired by many and loved by the multitude, to come into such disgrace in such a short time. It numbs the mind to witness a beauty who is supposed to be mellowing the all too pugnacious news that is our politics with her reassuring smiles to overnight turn into a cult melodrama.

That Esther Arunga, the confident and intelligent looking lady, a role model living the ‘Kenyan Dream’, if ever there is any, is now a convergence of national sympathy is too flummoxing.

Beauty, intellect and charm are too uncommon a combination to be found in a single soul but Esther Arunga had it all in abundance. You could see it in her dazzling eyes, grace and composure. To watch all these crumble in a sordid whirlwind is way too disconcerting. It is very hard on her family, friends and fans. Nobody saw this coming, even if they did, they did not have the heart to believe it.

Never have I mourned a celebrity’s misdemeanor. In any case, it is such scandals that make celebrities worth our interest. But, there is something in Esther Arunga’s downfall that resembles the feeling of catching your younger sister messing with boys. You cannot be indifferent but take time to talk some sense into her little head.

I seldom care about the conduct of the distant guy on TV who chooses to go down the gutter, after all, fate befall all of us in different versions. But with Esther Arunga, I refuse to believe that she has lost it. Even if it is wishful/wistful thinking, then this is what I need for the moment. I would rather live in denial than believe that Esther Arunga is gone to the dawgs! This gal was just loveable. There is this cord of concern that refuses to snap for her. I believe it is not an isolated feeling.

The sight of a bamboozled family and a coterie of her friends in the police station checking on Esther Arunga is just not like her kind of scene. It is unlike of Esther Arunga to be hauled into a police cell. Cells were not made for some people like Esther Arunga. At least not on a charge of belonging to a wannabe cult run by a screwball called Joseph Hellon! I bequeath her more brains than this.

Now, what is to be done?

Some may argue that we leave Esther Arunga alone to follow her spiritual desires. But this ignominy called the ‘the Finger of God Church’ is hardly a spiritual thing. A church that alienates one from a job and family is a scourge not a church. Religion by essence is devoid of reason but a cult is on the extreme end of this continuum. It does not border on lunacy but it is an embodiment of it. It is founded on oddity and is driven by passionate dereliction of reality. Historically, no good has ever come out of a cult.

Most cults have an aspect of sex in it. Members undergo perpetual baptism of sex. Don’t be surprised that ‘the Finger of God Church’ involves sex orgies, this could be the reason the cops were quick to act. The fact that minors were involved could have added to the impetus. It is justified to worry about our beloved Esther!

From the rabid look in her press conference to her bizarre smiles at the police station, I decipher one thing. Esther Arunga is absolutely non compos mentis. She is most definitely out of her mind. Certainly not schizoid but a psychological condition that only shrinks and doctors can define. We obviously have a patient.

I am not trying to insinuate that Esther Arunga is stark crazy. Far from it. Doctors use a number of parameters to define madness. To be sane, an individual’s opinion should be dependable by others in society. I wonder how many people can take Esther’s idea on religion. Another parameter relates to being able to take care of oneself. If you waste yourself and harm your reputation that is not good care of oneself and to some extend you qualify for a mental asylum. This is what Tiger Woods realized, that is why he is in a rehab.

Whether she has denounced her family or not, as soon as she is out of the cells, her family. I repeat, her family, should demand that she accompany them for an urgent date with a doc. If need be, by a court order. The next thing is to demand that the nonce called Joseph Hell-on, should keep a radius of ten kilometers away from Esther Arunga. That fellow is a witch who put Esther Arunga under a spell of voodoo. What else can explain the complete moral degradation of our beloved Esther Arunga?

I cannot afford to see Esther Arunga becoming a cheap martyr of idiocy. She has better use of her life than to be an object of pity and a subject of bemusement.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish Esther Arunga a most very quick recovery from this most very unfortunate streak of insanity!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Esther Arunga: from A-List to Cult Wannabe!

There is something wrong when a lady of 29 quit her day job to be an acolyte in a cheap cult. There is something totally wrong when an advocate is advised to call off her wedding to another man by another man going by the title of a spiritual mentor. There is something terribly amiss when a woman with a good salary opt out of her residence to live in a church mansion.

There is something out of place with the Esther Arunga that we all knew. Remember the plump girl with an innocent smile on TV? The quintessential African beauty, simple,stunning and confident?That was our Esther Arunga. The Esther Arunga in a press conference yesterday is a com[plete stranger. The touchy, pouting, shouting, looking lost Esther Arunga is a different gal from the one we all knew and loved.

I loved this gal on TV. Every man in town loved Esther Arunga. I didn't know why we all loved her. Was is it the air of friendliness she carried around? maybe. Was it the aura of quiet intellect she radiated on the TV screen? probably. No one i met knew knew exactly why Esther Arunga was the queen of TV. But she was.

Monita Rajpal of CNN completed my TV idols alongside Esther Arunga. i am both their fans on Facebook. The only people i am a fan of for that matter.

Where did the rain started beating our Esther Arunga?

she lost my admiration awhile ago when rumors of funny relationships started the rounds. maybe i was jealous. she lost it again when she lost the plumpness. her eyes lost the radiance. she became a tad thinner. my African queen changed. i complained. others complained. something went amiss. just like i didn't know what was good with her before, i just could not figure what was amiss. she just lost it on the beauty dept.

Maybe she had some personal problems that took toll on her happiness. maybe.

i will be the last person to castigate Esther Arunga but she was wrong to quit her job. Joseph Hellon cannot pay her the salary that KTN used to pay her. she should ask Cess Mutungi. She had a future on TV. Maybe she would have become the next Zain Verjee. Caroline Mutoko has done herself a lot of good in Kiss by sticking there for all these years. Nyambane quit his job only to sell toilet detergents on TV.

i fear for the future of Esther Arunga if who she calls her friends and advisers are the likes of Joseph Hellon.

yesterday, she did not look good on TV at all. she was smart but acted a tart.She ought to have kept her cool. a third rate PR company would have advised her to keep away from the press conference. Celeb communications are done through Twitter, Facebook or a personal blog. not TV. my mum and grandmother watched her yet the only derivative of celebrity they know is maybe a wedding celebration. social sites make sure your communication get to the right people.

as a former admirer of Esther Arunga who will not hesitate being a fan again when she fix her life, i will advise her to keep off Joseph Hellon, that bullshit church, take some time off, relax, put her life in order and get something worthwhile to do.

Esther Arunga, i love you gal!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

There is a Gold Digger in Every Kenyan Gal

A German friend of mine put me in an awkward position recently. Having hooked up a Kenyan gal on, he wanted my advice on how to relate with her. The cultural difference meant that he had to be careful on the speed, intimacy, and expectations of his new date.

I had to rack my nerves over just what makes Kenyan gals different from the rest of the world. I was tempted to tell him I don’t know. But then, I am a Kenyan and ought to know better. He turned to Google but no sites had sufficient info on the subject. That meant I was the only resource available.

Never before has a situation demanded that I analyze the general characteristics, nuances, psyche and personality of Kenyan gals as a whole. What one word describes Kenyan gals in general?

Apart from the tribal stereotypes and myths, I have never cared to scrutinize my numerous experiences dating Kenyan bimbos. To make it worse, I have never dated across borders so I didn’t have the comparative benefits with say Ugandans, Caucasians, Hispanics or other nationalities.

In partial fulfillment of this project, yesterday I sat on Mama Ngina Street and observed Kenyan gals strut their stuff as they left their offices for home after 5. I was hoping that the sight will jog my mind to come up with an overriding description of Kenyan gals.

I was not very lucky. The only conclusion was that Kenyan gals are blessed with ample bottoms and nice boobs. That is not a national personality. Is it?

The next endeavor was to go home and relive all the dating experiences I have had with various girls, recall all that my female friends have divulged to me of their expectations of boyfriends, their general (mis)demeanor and their dating dreams. That was better. I had to extend my TOR though, in case some other foreigner will look for the same or more, they will find it in a click.

After reading my findings, I knew I will make many enemies with the Kenyan female species but I could not help, intellectual integrity demands brutal honesty.


Kenyan gals are generally plump, medium in height, dark in shade, sizeable boobs and generous bums. Most of them will not skip any article titled ‘how to lose weight’ but it is evident that few have ever taken any step to shed the extra pounds. Weight notwithstanding, they are very beautiful pieces of creation.


English, Swahili and Mother tongue. The accents vary depending on their first languages. Nairobirds usually are articulate and fluent in English.


Career focused and independent. Rural folks display house wife tendencies. Marriage age range from 24 to 30 years in urban areas. Most opt for marriage, a minority prefer being single. Wife initiated divorce is rare unless the husband become broke. There is a general belief in men providing in marriage thus income levels dictate the choice of husband, Caucasians being the most preferred option.

Most Nairobirds spend their time scouring dating sites looking for western dates. Some hover around tourist hotels trying their luck. Some display their wares in Facebook, Tagged, and afrointroductions hoping a Caucasian punter will chance by. Age is not a factor when it comes to whites. It is not uncommon to spot a doting septuagenarian tugging a shameless teenager on Kenyan streets.


Majority are educated to college and degree levels. However, they are scantily informed on national and international issues. Beyond academic needs, few Kenyan women can be spotted with a book. They sometimes read old magazines. Some carry novels for the prestige that come with a reading gal.


Drinking, listening to R n B, going to church (though they are hardly spiritual, they go to church out of fear rather than faith) and watching Nigerian and Mexican tele-novellas. Forget what they write as hobbies in social networking sites, they do little of those.


They work hard for money while hoping to one day land a rich dude who will buy them a car and a house in Runda. A Kenyan chick will not think twice before dumping a boyfriend for greener pastures.

The thigh lever of a Kenyan gal is coin-operated!


More aggressive than most of their African counterparts

Social life

They love clubbing and socializing. The dress code is more conservative than their East African counterparts in clubs.


If a husband or a boyfriend is financially stable, then they can be the most faithful creatures after the dog, however, they would not shy away from a fling/infidelity if the price is right.

Sexual orientation

99% are straight. The remainder is shared between lesbians and bis.

Bed time

Tend to be conservative, traditional and unadventurous. Generally lousy but responsive to a few extra acts. For them, sex is a science not an art.


Hard drugs, NO. Drinking, Yes. Smoking, rare.

Protected sex

Not so keen about it. Dare-devils.


Less skimpy (occasionally you can spot some cleavages and tight asses). No minis. Simply unfashionable.


Loose, loving, jealous, submissive, good housekeepers, terrible cooks, motherly, and talkative.

(Anything left or overstated? drop a comment!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I will not kill for you!

You don’t eat what I eat
You don’t go to my hospitals
Your kids don’t go to our schools
We don’t ride the bus together
My children are jobless
Yours are driving sport cars
You talk sheepishly on TV
Am too tired to get amused
You don’t toil like I do
I don’t ever meet you
Don’t ever want to meet you
You are not my friend
You are a traitor
You work just one month
You steal for five years
I work daily
You steal from me daily
You steal my drugs
You steal my maize
You steal our education money
You steal my land
You clear our forests
You steal my entire livelihood
Now caught
You want me to defend you
By killing my neighbor
Because I speak your language
You are wrong
I speak my neighbor’s language
I speak the language of oppression
I speak the language of struggle
I speak the language of poverty
I speak with my neighbor
You are a thief
You parasite on us
I won’t kill for you
We will kill you instead!

John F Kennedy Love Letters Auction: Zuma is bidding!

John F Kennedy love letters written to a Swedish lady whom he met in Paris in the 1950s is up for auction by Chicago based The letters, written to Gunilla von Post who had a relationship with J F Kennedy before and after he married Jacqueline Bouvier bids at $ 25 000 and are expected to fetch up to $ 100 000 according to the chairman of the auction company.

Interviewed by ABC, Ms Von Post said ‘I borrowed him for a week, a beautiful week that no one can take away from me, from that’

John F Kennedy had a lot of sexcapades both as a senator and president but did not come to light till his assassination in 1964. The most remarkable being with actress Marylyn Monroe, whom he shared with his bother and Attorney General, Robert Kennedy. It is speculated that his refusal to pick Marylyn Monroe call (Marylyn Monroe had a direct line to White House) drove her to suicide. Another theory has is that John F Kennedy contracted the mafia, with the help of his brother in-law Frank Sinatra, to eliminate Marylyn Monroe who was becoming a nuisance.

Who could be interested in bidding for J F Kennedy’s love letters?

Well, I can bet on his fellow debauchees who are not in short supply. In the political circles, Zuma could be interested since he is also a sitting president with no less scandals. Though J F Kennedy was more colorful and articulate as a leader, Zuma could take heart to be in the company of legends as far as high office sexcapades are concerned. Maybe they will inspire him to be more discreet on his sexcapades.

Another candidate could be the Italian premier and media magnate Sylvio Berlusconi whose extra-marital sexcapades can shame a Hollywood movie. This guy can outbid everyone else given he is the wealthiest fellow in Italy. He is currently undergoing divorce from his wife who is accusing him of sex with teenagers.

Tiger Woods cannot be left out. Ms Von Post, the recipient of John F Kennedy’s love letters is Swedish and so is Tiger Woods’ wife. Apart from mutual sex addiction with J F Kennedy, they both have a taste for Swedish chicks!

Wish I had the money to bid, how else could one pay homage to raunchy icons?

If you had the money, would you bid for the John F Kennedy love letters?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Felicien Kabuga Hiding in Kenya Leaves More Questions than Answers

The dogged allegations that Kenya is protecting the Rwandan Genocide mastermind Felicien Kabuga is getting more confounding and convoluted each passing day. Between Kenya and the US, one of them is insincere or has lost track of the fugitive. It is also likely the blame game is a ploy to mask intelligence failure on the side of the US. Either way, the two states have been less than forthright as to why they think Kabuga is in the country or not as the case might be.

The premises adduced by either parties to justify his presence or absence in Kenya are scantly substantiated and mendacious. Some claims, even to non-intelligence folks, are simply illogical on their stories.

First, the US has always insisted that they have credible intelligence that vouches for the presence of Kabuga in Kenya. But the big question is, since they have information on his whereabouts; why not arrest him on their own or with the help of Interpol if the Kenyan police are unwilling to cooperate?

Though Kenya is not a rogue state in the league of Iran and Sudan or North Korea, it might now be unwilling to taint her image by handing over Kabuga as it will vindicate the allegation that they had all along been protecting a hoodlum. So, the US should smoke out Kabuga and haul him to the ICTR.

Again, the FBI was involved in the botched attempt to apprehend Kabuga in 2003 when a journalist with links to him tipped them on his whereabouts. Since Kabuga eliminated the fellow before the rendezvous shows that the lead was genuine. For the FBI to bungle such a sensitive operation leaves a lot to be desired. That the operation got leaked points to ineptitude on the side of the FBI. The assertion that the Kenyan police squelched is a possibility. How daft the FBI was to involve the same authority that was supposedly complicit in hiding him is another puzzle.

Why the FBI left the tracks of Kabuga to dry up when they already came close to napping him in the 2003 failed operation is again enigmatic. Their allegations that the Kenyan government is uncooperative in turning him in do not explain why they cannot catch him themselves. The CIA and the FBI are roaming this country freely, what is their work if not to arrest Kabuga?

Has the US intelligence really gone the whole hog to apprehend Kabuga? My answer is no. The $ 5 Million bounty on Kabuga’s head can easily be employed to apprehend him. It is common knowledge that Kenyan officials can easily be compromised. That is how Kabuga bought himself a safe haven in the first place. The Artur Brothers accessed state house and terrorized Kenyans on the street with lesser money. If indeed the NSIS has valuable information regarding Felicien Kabuga, the US intelligence agents can wheedle that information with 5 000 $ and not $ 5 Million in a day’s work! Why are they unwilling to employ such means?

Felicien Kabuga is alleged to have been hiding in Kenya since 1995. Media reports indicated he was living in Gigiri in 1996 under state protection, a stone throw from the UNEP headquarters and a police station to boot! Zakayo Cheruiyot, the then PS in charge of internal security, flunked a polygraph test administered by the FBI. What further action has the FBI taken to glean intelligence information from the likes of Zakayo Cheruiyot remains unknown.

It is worth noting that 2003 saw a chaotic regime change in Kenya. Subsequently, there was a shake up in the intelligence and security machinery in the country. It is likely that the departing officials did not pass crucial information to incoming officers since the handover was acrimonious. It is also likely that Felicien Kabuga left the country when his protégés were sent home. If this scenario obtained then it is wrong for the US and the UN to incriminate the Kibaki administration over his whereabouts.

The exception being, since allegiances are buyable and therefore transferrable, Kabuga might have bought a safe haven with the new administration. If this is the case, then the US has a point.

Kenya has for the umpteenth time rhapsodized that Felicien Kabuga left this country. The US has asked her to state when and where he crossed the border and to which destination. This is where Kenya is culpable. If Kabuga indeed left the country, when and where did he leave for? The UN and the whole world cannot exonerate this country unless they supply this missing link.

Another explanation that Kenya has to do is why it took so long to freeze Kabuga’s assets. Rumor has it that Kabuga has more wealth in the country than it was frozen by the government and thus the freeze was a mere PR exercise. If the US has intelligence to this effect, then Kenya has a case with the UN Security Council come June as recently hinted by Stephen Rapp, the US Ambassador for War Crimes.

I have issues with the US intelligence system. Understandably, they are not infallible but lately, they have proved ineffective. Osama bin Laden is a different kettle of fish altogether but the intelligence failure on a Nigerian terrorist who almost blew up a Detroit bound US jetliner and the killing of seven CIA agents in Afghanistan by a erstwhile CIA informer, point to some inherent weakness. Inability to capture Felicien Kabuga is adding to the growing list of inefficacy. In case they don’t have any hint where Kabuga is, then they should own up, hush up and pray for Kabuga to one day turn himself in.

The NSIS on the other hand is nothing to write home about. The Post Election Violence happened right under their nose. In case they too are unaware where Kabuga is, they should fully cooperate with the US and end this charade. The government also should give out whatever information they might be having on Kabuga. There is no justification for protecting a killer like Kabuga.

To arrest Felicien Kabuga, the two states have to sit and compare notes. This peek-a-boos is a sheer waste of time. As they trade accusations, Felicien Kabuga is enjoying his wealth in Shangri-la. He is now 75 and might soon die of natural causes before facing the law. Time is of essence here. As of now, the conduct of the two countries begs for more answers than they have cared to vouchsafe.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Would you marry the same person again?"

"Would you marry the same person again?"

Was it Plato who said ‘to marry or not, you are none the wiser’? I would have adopted this line as a personal mantra but a new poll seems to suggest we are better off married than not and especially if you are a woman. Contrary to the negative vibes marriage is getting, marital bliss is not all that elusive like a rainbow, at least according to this research.

An international poll conducted in 15 countries reveals that 68 percent of respondents, and even more women, would again say "I do" to their spouse.

The survey, which was conducted by Reader's Digest and published in the March issue, reveals that China has the highest level of spousal satisfaction (83 percent.)
Also at the top of the list: The Philippines, Germany and the Netherlands. The United States came in at number 12 for satisfaction levels (63 percent) and Malaysia last (59 percent.)

On average, men were more dissatisfied with their wives than women with their husbands. Malaysia tops the list with 48 percent of men stating they would untie the knot if given the chance. In Italy, however, 42 percent of the women would say "arrivederci" to their husbands.

What does this poll mean to you?

To me it means nothing. It reeks of a plot to encourage people to either get married ASAP or stay married to their current spouses. It is a scheme hatched by pro-family fanatics who want to exploit the allure of ‘comfort in numbers’ to make marriage fashionable again. They want to make us think like ‘ok, so there are guys who are having a ball in marriage… happiness in marriage is real after all… and if all those guys can do it, so can I…Lemme give this marriage a second chance and maybe it will work… figures never lie etc’ they are promoting this kind of hogwash.

Guys beware, this poll wonna enslave us to miserable marriages which are past their sell-by date for life.

I have never believed in marriage and neither am I about to. With the rising cases of divorce, it shows that marriage as an idea is a wrong notion. It is a bad experiment on humanity. Men like the rest of animalia kingdom were never meant to get married. Just to mate and procreate. Hang on to a female, once the mating season is over, you part ways pronto.

Marriage must have been invented by women. These folks wanted a way to shirk their responsibility of raising young ones without guilt. And so they created marriage. Clever bitches!

This thing called marriage is very bad for the economy and should be banned. It creates pests in society. Men hustle their asses off to provide for women in the name of a family, just because society dictates so. Men are losing in this game. Again, look at the cost of divorce. No wonder most women prefer marriage than men. Theirs is the economic angle. More often than not, they are the ones who get the check, the furniture and the family house ostensibly to raise kids.

How long will marriage as a practice last? I am giving it 50 years. After that, you will only be seeing it in museum exhibitions, fifth on the evolution chart!

If you are let off the yoke, will you run for dear life or you will turn the corner, go down on your knees, a rose in hand, tears rolling and say ‘please marry me again baby’.

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Peace by the sea
Piety in the sun
Prance in the sand
Placid by the soul

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Stunning coconut trees
Sturdy baobab trees
Steaming beaches free
Smiling comes freely

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Hallowed hospitality
Ancient artistry
Aromatic abilities
Holistic history

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Gorgeous communities
Great inns
Greeting taarabs
Delight lasts

Mombasa, Hakuna Matata!

Moon for My Valentine

Moon for My Valentine

My baby moon
So high to the South
You are my sweet Valentine

My baby moon
Take this rose
It hurt my hand
Holding for hours
Awaiting away love,
This blood
Write on the sky
My unending love for her
For me

My baby moon
What you doing on the sea?
Get ma gal down South in a gale
And reflect her there with you,
For her
However deep will dive
Deeper is my love than this ocean

My baby moon
Miles away smiling on me
Why not let ma gal be you
Your beams be her legs
I scale and kiss to her smiles?

My baby moon
Sweet talk these waves for meMoon for My Valentine

My baby moon
So high to the South
You are my sweet Valentine

My baby moon
Take this rose
It hurt my hand
Holding for hours
Awaiting away love,
This blood
Write on the sky
My unending love for her
For me

My baby moon
What you doing on the sea?
Get ma gal down South in a gale
And reflect her there with you,
For her
However deep will dive
Deeper is my love than this ocean

My baby moon
Miles away smiling on meMoon for My Valentine

My baby moon
So high to the South
You are my sweet Valentine

My baby moon
Take this rose
It hurt my hand
Holding for hours
Awaiting away love,
This blood
Write on the sky
My unending love for her
For me

My baby moon
What you doing on the sea?
Get ma gal down South in a gale
And reflect her there with you,
For her
However deep will dive
Deeper is my love than this ocean

My baby moon
Miles away smiling on me
Why not let ma gal be you
Your beams be her legs
I scale and kiss to her smiles?

My baby moon
Sweet talk these waves for me
Talk them to kiss my love for me
Warm slow and long untiring

My baby moon
If I dive to dead
Will you lift my lighter soul to Cape
And give my love for Valentine?

My baby moon
You shine the crevices for crabs
To cavort
Do they crave like I do
For love life and light
That ma gal has?

My baby moon
That ship going to Cape?
Care they take this affection to her?

My baby moon
Why are my tears sea salty
But her warm tears
Sweet and sweeter
On ma breast
Flowing to my heart
Love longings washed

My baby moon
Upon this silent sands
Lay me till waves
Bring my Valentine to me,
Pick a petal on this rose
And tell my love
Here lies a bouquet
In me
For her

Why not let ma gal be you
Your beams be her legs
I scale and kiss to her smiles?

My baby moon
Sweet talk these waves for me
Talk them to kiss my love for me
Warm slow and long untiring

My baby moon
If I dive to dead
Will you lift my lighter soul to Cape
And give my love for Valentine?

My baby moon
You shine the crevices for crabs
To cavort
Do they crave like I do
For love life and light
That ma gal has?

My baby moon
That ship going to Cape?
Care they take this affection to her?

My baby moon
Why are my tears sea salty
But her warm tears
Sweet and sweeter
On ma breast
Flowing to my heart
Love longings washed

My baby moon
Upon this silent sands
Lay me till waves
Bring my Valentine to me,
Pick a petal on this rose
And tell my love
Here lies a bouquet
In me
For her

Talk them to kiss my love for me
Warm slow and long untiring

My baby moon
If I dive to dead
Will you lift my lighter soul to Cape
And give my love for Valentine?

My baby moon
You shine the crevices for crabs
To cavort
Do they crave like I do
For love life and light
That ma gal has?

My baby moon
That ship going to Cape?
Care they take this affection to her?

My baby moon
Why are my tears sea salty
But her warm tears
Sweet and sweeter
On ma breast
Flowing to my heart
Love longings washed

My baby moon
Upon this silent sands
Lay me till waves
Bring my Valentine to me,
Pick a petal on this rose
And tell my love
Here lies a bouquet
In me
For her

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Zuma’s Loose Zipper is not an Amusing Sport

Zuma’s Loose Zipper is not an Amusing Sport

As ordinary South Africans worry about the likely performance of Bafana Bafana in the forth coming FIFA World Cup, their President has sought to assuage these fears by winning himself a lifetime achievement as the Most Promiscuous, Prolific and Polygamous Leader of All Time in his version of sport. In case the home boys lose the trophy, South Africans should take heart in the fact that the national flag is flying high on the sex front.

Who else, in all the four winds, is a leader of a modern democracy, has said ‘I do’ five times, divorced once, had one of his wives commit suicide, taken a bride while in office, won an election with a sex scandal hanging over his head, fathered an illegitimate child with a friend’s daughter, and his diary has a fixture for another bride in the next few months? Nobody, but the one and only raunchy Zulu Boy: Jacob Zuma.

While others with less serious positions and less pugnacious crimes come out with a blackened eye here, a bleeding nose there or have their careers shipwrecked forever in the Western world, it seems Africa, with all the pretence of modernity in other aspects, has a different set of standards for her leaders.

John Terry was relieved of his position as the English Captain owing to an extra-marital affair with an ex-girlfriend of his team mate Wayne Bridges. Zuma, a sitting President of a country with the highest incidences of HIV/ADS in the world, live to frolic his girlfriends and sow wild oats whilst seated cozy in his presidential office.

(His office has reported that he is taking a two day break from his presidential duties; is it mating season again Mr. President?)

Fabio Capello, the English manager, fired John Terry on the sane grounds that his affair might spur a confidence crisis with his team mates, and that as Captain, he ought to have provided a better role model to the English youth. The captain of AIDS ravaged South Africa does not feel obliged to play such role. He dabbles in tryst after tryst without the slightest of qualms. Remember, this is the guy who is charged with spearheading the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic, in both words and deeds.

We thought Zuma was sincerely apologetic after having sex with an HIV positive family friend before he became president. But as if to scorn the electorate, he sets forth to father a child with a daughter of his friend and apologizes again. His apologies are not only hollow but few will be comfortable with Zuma around their daughters again. And this is the guy South Africans have entrusted their nation!

In South Africa, the honor of having a president home for dinner could turn out to be a nightmare. The fox eyes your chicks as you are busy entertaining him. Before you know, your daughter has a baby with your age mate or you have a grandfather called Jacob Zuma knocking your door with dowry. This is the Zulu culture for you, according to one Jacob Zuma who has arrogated himself the position of its high priest.

The ANC party has come out fast and furious to defend Zuma’s misdeeds as a case of private life. Bill Clinton received a lot more tongue lashing for half the sin and an almost impeachment to boot. Once you are a public figure, you are accountable to the public. Period. The dividing line between private and public life becomes thin to almost non-existent. As a holder of any public office, common sense dictates that your behavior throughout your tenure reflects the respect that the office deserves. Anything short of that deems you unfit for that office. I hope Zuma is listening.

Tiger Woods’s scandal was a high profile celebrity misdemeanor. As a self made sportsman, he is not directly accountable to the American public but he saw sense enough to, not only apologize to America and the world, but took a break from golf and sought treatment. His sexcapades damaged his image and cost him billions worth of endorsements. In Africa, Zuma is entitled to ‘his privacy’. His party, that should know better, had the cheek to defend his adultery.

Imagine Obama fathering an illegitimate child or taking another wife. He won’t last another day in office!

Not only will Zuma serve his full term in spite of all these, he will go ahead and win another term. Remember it is the turn of Zulus to rule South Africa. Again, don’t forget a dying man is ruling Nigeria because it is the turn of the North to rule. The length that Africa goes to shame itself before the world in the guise of customs and traditions is stupendous.

Zuma’s son was misadvised to defend his father in this scandal. He should note that, though they are entitled to their privacy, South Africans elected their father a president and they expect a modicum of decency from him. It is called accountability in simple English. He respect the office, we respect him. Anything short of that is a breach of social contract.

The empty assertion by Zuma that he respects the family as an institution is hogwash. What greater respect can you show to the institution of family than sparing your own family the shame of adultery? What greater respect can you show to the family as an institution than sparing your friend’s family the shame of carrying illegitimate children?

Zuma might have escaped this infidelity with his balls intact but he should watch his loose zipper, it might not be that rosy next time.

(Please read the comments below or add your own)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama to Defy China Threats and Meet the Dalai Lama

Obama to Defy China Threats and Meet the Dalai Lama

The Obama Administration had worried me for ceding too much ground to the communist state of China but the last one week has reassured me that Obama has got the nerve to take on the Chinese authorities.

As reports that Obama intended to meet the Dalai Lama emerged from White House, the Chinese authorities were quick to issue warnings of serious implications to the US-China ties. Chinese Communist Party official Zhu Weiqun was quoted as saying there would be "corresponding action" if the meeting went ahead.

But Obama has boldly announced that he will meet the Dalai Lama in spite of the threat. He says the Dalai Lama is a respected religious and cultural leader and Obama will meet him in that capacity.

Past US Presidents have always held talks with the Dalai Lama but Obama skipped a meeting with him before a trip to China. There were fears in diplomatic circles that Obama was condescending too much to China.

China was at their threat game the other day when US sealed a deal to supply Taiwan with a $6.4 b worth of arms. China warned of unspecified actions against the US. China claims Taiwan is part of her territory and discourages states from recognizing it as an independent state. The US has a standing obligation to protect Taiwan and I was keenly watching whether Obama was to sacrifice this obligation. China has threatened military action against Taiwan if it shows any signs of independence.

Obama is increasingly becoming bold against China after initial missteps. Earlier, Obama ordered a ban on Chinese tires sparking a trade row. Again, Obama’s administration was quick to support the internet search engine giant Google when it threatened to pull out of China over constant hacking by the Chinese authorities.

Initial display of lack of spine by the Obama administration had emboldened China but recent moves by Obama must have sent Chinese diplomatic wonks back to the drawing board. The US is not about to relent on their super power status and China still has some way to go.

I hold China to be an irresponsible power with dubious human rights credentials and is notorious for propping up repressive regimes in Africa.

Is the world ready for China as a superpower?

Pope Benedict on UK Equality Law Confirms the Urgency to Ban and Burn Catholic Churches

Pope Benedict on UK Equality Law Confirms the Urgency to Ban and Burn Catholic Churches

The Roman Catholic Church never tire to remind us that it is useless, moribund, archaic, bankrupt, out of tune and the best thing to happen to it is to be banished from the face of this earth and its churches burned or turned into pubs and brothels. The days when the Roman Catholic Church lorded over the world is confined to history and we cannot entertain their hangover interfering with our lives whatsoever.

I don’t remember the last time the Roman Catholic Church said anything that make any practical sense. I don’t remember the last time they did anything that adds any value to humanity. When not pontificating over us on issues that are out of step with reality, their priests are whoring and sodomizing all over the world.

Hear their version of good news to the world- The Pope told Catholic bishops from Wales and Ireland to oppose the proposed Equality Bill that’s currently before the UK Parliament, with ‘missionary zeal’. The Bill seeks to make into law equal treatment of people irrespective of gender or sexuality. The spirit of the Bill is to make UK a fair place where people access job opportunities and services without discrimination.

While the Equality Bill is a godsend to minorities, for right thinking people that is, Pope Benedict 0 sees otherwise. He fears that the proposed Equality Bill will force the Catholic Church to employ gay men in senior positions. The Roman Catholic Church has a policy of not employing gay people in senior positions. Unlike the Anglican Church that has embraced gays, the Roman Catholic Church is wallowing in denial and by the look of things, they are loving very minute of it.

Could Pope Benedict 0 be senile? I bet so.

Pope Benedict’s fears are unfounded and baseless. Since gays were created by God anyway, why deny them a chance to work and lead normal lives. The church should be in the forefront in defending all God’s creation. The Roman Catholic Church instead is retrogressing. It is not surprising; they campaigned against the end of slavery!

There is not a single institution in this world that symbolizes backwardness than the Roman Catholic Church!

The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of being insensitive to the dynamics of society. Its history is replete with dictatorships, wanton murders, racism, colonialism, sodomy and other ills. It does not recognize and opposes gender equality. It opposes abortion. It opposes the use of contraceptives in family planning. It opposes the use of condoms to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission ad infinitum.

It even opposes innovation, scientific advancement and modernity. It killed Galileo Galilus for inventing and using the telescope! This church wanted the world to always believe that the earth is the only planet! Shameless proponents of ignorance and rabid acolytes of darkness.

Not only that, this church supported the holocaust!

The big question nowadays is: does the Roman Catholic Church serve any practical use in the current society? My answer is NO! Is the Roman Catholic Church there to serve humanity or humanity to serve the Roman Catholic Church? A sensible answer is the church serves humanity and not humanity to serve the church.

The Roman Catholic Church has outlived its usefulness and it is time they retreat to Vatican and do what they know best: sodomizing each other! Their Pope, Benedict 0, should note that, as long as they are in our soils, taxing our people, they have to conform to the laws that seek to make the world a better place for all.

Governments are elected by the people to serve their interests not the Roman Catholic Church. The UK parliament should ignore the Pope’s misgivings and enact the Equality Bill for the good of the British people. The Roman Catholic Church can go to hell! That is where it belongs!

(I thought the Roman Catholic Church should have been the first church to embrace gay rights since they have the most sods and nonces otherwise known as Fathers!)

Should the UK Parliament shelve the Equality Bill because Pope Benedict 0 is against it?

Let me have your say.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Women Behaving Badly: Is Society Ready for Big Women Scandal?

Big Women Behaving Badly: Is Society Ready for Big Women Scandal?

We are so much accustomed to big men scandals that when big women occasionally get sleazy, it torpedoes our social comfort zones. A woman by nature is a symbol of love and tenderness but when monstrosity suddenly squirts to high heaven from the TLC fountain; it sends the world into a whirl of disarray.

Is scandal a preserve of men? Yes and no. Yes because they top the shady list and no because history is replete with women who occasionally throw a sordid shocker. Ma Baker of the American crime infamy is such one illustrious example. But when the fairer sex throws one scandal, men answer with a hundred. So, men response to Ma Baker is Carlos the Jackal, Osama Bin Laden, Polpot, Robin Hood, Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin Dada ad nauseam. It is fair to conclude that society is more used to men scandals than women scandals.

But who says women are incapable of some cold juicy saga?

Most dictators, plunderers, murderers and adulterers are men in high position. But of late, spouses of good big men are throwing their panties in the dirt ring! The sex scandals of Iris Robinson, wife of the leader of Northern Ireland Mr. Pat Robertson and the arrest of Mrs. Sheryl Cwele, wife of South Africa’s intelligence minister Mr. Siyabonga Cwele nudge our society to the realization that women are up to the game in the muck race.

Other trail blazers are Winnie Mandela and Joyce Mujuru of Zimbabwe.

Winnie Mandela

Former wife of South Africa’s world most revered man and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Madiba Mandela.

Winnie Mandela has the most perplexing of reputation. She is a heroine as well as a villain in equal measure.

She contributed immensely to the fight against apartheid in SA through her fearless activism and got a fair share of suffering from the repressive regime. She organized strikes and distributed anti-apartheid literature. Banished to a small and remote township at the height of apartheid, arrested and having to raise two children under constant harassment from the police state, Winnie Mandela was rebellious and loved earning herself the title of ‘Mother of the Nation’.

Her rare ability to lead is unfortunately packaged with a bizarre streak of crime and fraud.

She terrorized her neighborhood in Soweto and was linked to the kidnap and subsequent murder of a child activist, Stompie Moeketsi in 1988. Her scandals did not end there, on numerous occasions, she has been charged with theft. When Nelson Mandela was released, their marriage went kaput after stories of adultery emerged.

South Africans and the world do not know what personality of Winnie Mandela to embrace. The heroine or the criminal? In spite of these , she is still a powerful and influential figure within the ANC, recognized world wide and wealthy.

Just a case of a big woman gone bad!

Mrs. Joyce Mujuru

The Zimbabwean Vice President, Joyce Mujuru is the epitomization of Zimbabwean powerful and wealthy elite. Her husband, Mr. Solomon Mujuru was head of the army after independence in 1980 and still influential in the military.

While ordinary Zimbabweans grapple with unimaginable poverty, a few kleptocrats surrounding Mr. Mugabe are getting filthy rich at the expense of the people. The Mujurus quintessentially represent this clique. They loot foreign currency to finance lavish lifestyles that ordinary folks only get a glimpse of on TV whenever there is power.

Apart from that, in early 2008, Mrs. Joyce Mujuru was linked to a multi-million gold deal that was to be sold illegally in Europe. The Mujurus are reported to have mining interests in the DRC which was the source of the gold. Mrs. Mujuru Featured prominently in the saga more than her husband. At the centre of the scandal was her daughter, Ms Nyasha Del Campo, whom she was using to evade the sanctions that have been slapped by the west on Zimbabwean elites.

Joyce Mujuru financed the deal to transport the gold via Nairobi to Zurich but the deal came a cropper after the company discovered who Mrs. Mujuru was. She was subsequently blacklisted alongside her husband.

Another sad case of a big woman using her position for irregular gain! It is against the grain for women to go an extra sordid mile to achieve wealth. But, could it become a trend?

Mrs. Sheryl Cwele

Wife of South Africa’s intelligence minister, Mr. Siyabonga Cwele, Sheryl Cwele is under arrest for conspiring to smuggle cocaine into South Africa from Brazil and Turkey using accomplices.

Sheryl Cwele was charged with procuring a woman to collect drugs in Turkey and of getting another woman to smuggle cocaine from Brazil.

While most narco-crimes are associated with poverty and hard life, it is puzzling when privileged members of society also partake in it.

When a 50 year old mother and wife of a minister is accused of pushing drugs, something big is afoot in society. The motivation could be more than money. Could it be a new phase of the women lib?

Iris Robertson

The wife of Northern Ireland's first minister, DUP leader Peter Robinson, Mrs. Iris Robinson tryst with a 19 yr old boy almost pushed her husband to resign his post. She herself was forced to resign her seat in parliament after the scandal.

She attempted suicide after suffering depression out of shame.

The scandal is compounded by allegations that she wheedled £50,000 out of two businessmen to help her toyboy set up a cafĂ©.

Women leaders, married or single, have always maintained discreet and private sexual lives with little or none getting to the limelight. This saga might just be the tip of the iceberg. Maybe women dabble with extra-marital affairs just like their male counterparts.

As more and more societies open up to women leadership, there will be more scrutiny on their private lives and maybe the answer as to whether they are as filthy as men will out.

Could the women folk be asserting themselves and saying, look! We have come of age; we are capable of anything just as you men! Could it be a form of self expression or a rebellious wave against the norms of society?

Have your say!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kalonzo Musyoka on TV? Switch it Off to Save on Electricity!

Kalonzo Musyoka on TV? Switch it Off to Save on Electricity!

Blessed are those who don’t own a telly, for they are spared the agony of seeing useless politicians, disgusting televangelists, and a motley crew of people with skewed sense of importance.

I am immensely indebted to the guy who invented the remote control, for without it, I would have longed died from a cocktail of Kenyan TV Poisoning Syndrome and Boring News Related Asphyxia!

Just imagine a news bulletin featuring Kalonzo Musyoka, Maina Njenga, Margaret Wanjiru, Dr. Alfred Mutua, Dr. Owuor, Joshua Kuttuny, Simon Mbugua, Francis Atwoli, Gideon Moi, Paul Melly and Mwai Kibaki! You will faint in your living room. I can bet on that. These are guys with an uncanny ability to get into your nerves.

Add insult to injury by watching an Ariel washing powder commercial, featuring a badly dressed guy and a mob shouting themselves silly ‘Ndioo!’ ‘Ndiooo’. Add to the killer mix an Omo ad with that inane character asking housewives their wash day blues or whatever. If you are watching all these, dial 911 because you are about to suffer a seizure.

Don’t Kenyan TV editors assess the entertainment value of a commercial before airing them? How come the ads I watch on CNN, CNBC, and DSTV etc are very interesting? Did the fellow who created the Ariel and Omo ads get a paycheck? Kenyan TV sucks!

The guys I have listed above don’t deserve a second on our screens as they are either useless or senseless with the most gifted of them exhibiting both qualities.

Kalonzo Musyoka

I don’t remember the last time I watched him, neither do I remember whatever he has gibbered since I was of TV age. As soon as the newscaster says VP Kalo…then pronto! I press ‘off’ on my remote. This guy has a misplaced sense of self importance, a fake ascent and always say nothing worth anybody’s time.

Plain, insipid, flat and colorless. That is what Stevo is.

He is always obsequious and speaks with the interests of Kibaki and the Gikuyu honchos in mind. His loose cannon is always on standby mode to defend unpopular government positions when it is much better to keep quiet. Often times, Kibaki will come out and contradict him. In many occasions, the people who really matter in government force him to eat humble pies but his passion for servility is not dimmed by frequent constipation.

He wields no real power apart from a motorcade. Serves him right, he did not earn it anyway. His mutterings are never an indication of what the government is doing, planning or thinking. Real power rests with the likes of Uhuru Kenyatta. His only way of justifying his pay is by sucking up to Kibaki. This is his idea of serving Kenyans.

He shies away from controversy because he has no spine at all. Neither scheming nor charismatic. Just clean with a neat hairstyle. He and the media think that is the politics we love watching in our TVs.

I would rather watch an advert of toilet paper than Kalonzo! If Kalonzo Musyoka ever becomes the president of Kenya, I will relocate to Siberia.

Francis Atwoli

Mukhisa Kiuyi once remarked that Francis Atwoli has nothing between his ears. Nothing much has changed to our gaudy unionist since then. The grey matter in his head is confined to his hair.

Loud, childish and very audible. Only problem is that the miserable sense in his words is lost in the shouting that is his manner of speaking. His words have the depth of a moron.

I am proud to be jobless and therefore not a member of COTU. You cannot vote for a guy like this and go home to your wife.

He is the only clown in history that can reduce people to tears for the affliction that God sometimes inadvertently visit on us in the name of leaders.

Dr. Alfred Mutua

I am praying that the new constitution saw sense in deleting the position of Government Spokesman. Thank God I didn’t go to school beyond certificate level. If a doctorate degree derives people of the most basic of sense, then I have a valid reason to celebrate my lack of it. Thank you Jesus!

I last watched him when he was trying to ape the Ugandan ascent of pronouncing Migingo. I have since vowed never to watch him again. Never in this life. Heard he was an effective Sunday school teacher, it seems he never outlived it.

Does he still give the inane Thursday briefings? I have a permanent reminder on my phone never to switch on TV on Thursdays lest I stumble on one of his useless press conferences. If he has stopped, somebody should alert me so that I end my TV ban for Thursdays.

This fellow annoys your sensibilities without remorse. He has the mistaken notion that he is a spin doctor. This man cannot qualify to spin for a village elder in Kitui. One of the dangers of being a journalist is covering the likes of Alfred Mutua. I can imagine the pain and horror a journalist undergoes listening to his drivel.

Paul Melly

Yesterday, KTN introduced a story that went like …Standard Group Strategy Advisor… and I knew what was to follow. I switched off my TV and went to sleep.

Apart from a bad case of first language interference or is it first language supremacy/obstinacy (this guy is welcome in any linguistic class as an exhibit of kalenjinization of English/ Kalenglish). I don’t see any journalistic sense in broadcasting what this guy does or says as a news item. He is not newsworthy at all. Why on earth do we have to listen to him? What does a private company’s advisor or anybody has to do with us? Why share your organizational leadership tragedy with the whole country? We have enough screwballs of elected leaders to contend with.

Since KTN is not my paymaster, I don’t want to know what they are planning or not planning to do with their business, delivered to me by one Paul Melly.

(If Paul Melly was to do a fund raiser to undergo a speech therapy, more aid will flow than what you saw in Haiti, this is the only benefit he has earned from his ill-advised appearances on KTN)

It is a bad strategy to show us Paul Melly, I recommend that he be fired for poor strategies.

Maina Njenga

This guy is obviously newsworthy but undesirable. He is a killer. Period.

Kenyan courts have a reputation for loving murderers. Cholmondeley (this guy has a horrible name, I can be excused for missing out on the spelling) and Maina Njenga embodies this strange love.

What do the families of the thousands of people who lost and continue to lose loved ones to the killer mob that Maina Njenga heads; feel watching this hoodlum on TV? He claims to be saved but which fool can believe him. Ndura Waruinge was once baptized but where is he now? The illegal money Mungiki extorts from Kenyans are sweeter than the church benches.

Did Maina Njenga confess his sins? Did he, like Zakayo of the bible return his Mungiki wealth to the public?

I am shocked by all the attention this guy is getting. Mzee Moi has started this year on a very false note. Imagine hosting this guy for a rally in Eldoret in the name of peace? What does Maina Njenga know about peace? He is the high-priest of blood and massacre.

TV stations should be preaching against criminals like Maina Njenga rather than brainwashing us. I was shocked that even Raila Odinga had the time to visit him when he was in prison.
The justice system has failed us in this country, the leaders have failed us and the media is playing along like a faithful mongrel.

Dr? Reverend? Hon Margaret Wanjiru

A house girl turned televangelist turned politician. A rare metamorphosis. It is not a mean feat by a long stroke. She even carries a ‘Dr.’ before her name. I wonder what the citation for her doctorate was. But this is not the reason why I don’t watch her.

Kenyan standards, she is cute. Throwing her weight around shouting inane sermons, denying her husband when his sons look just like him, baptizing murderers and sluts are just what pisses me off about her. Recently, she has become the Mungiki spokesperson and that is what is driving me nuts.

All televangelists are thieves and pests upon an honest society. How she manages to attract those crowds to listen to nothing and pay for it baffles me. Is it a pointer to the miserable national average of intelligence in this country? I fear yes.

Prophet Dr. Owuor

I heard this guy with dread locks in the wrong position has a doctorate. Of what, I don’t know. This fella should just shut up and spare us his stupid prophesies and outbursts about fellow thieves who steal not with a gun but with the bible. Prophesies went with Jesus. This guy must be having a strong juju. Even Raila Odinga fell into his spell! Raila is an intelligent guy but when he goofs, he goofs big time.

I cannot be baptized by a guy who looks and acts like that schizoid whom Jesus cast out his demons unto pigs.

Gideon Moi

The money and the name should have propelled this guy beyond having to take refuge in a family owned media establishment to get an iota of coverage. He is obviously in the wrong career. Who can remember what Gideon Moi has ever said since he was plucked from oblivion to be an MP by his father?

From the undeserving limelight that KTN and Standard condescends to him, I glean that he is on a mission to revive KANU or something of the sort. This guy hardly can express himself and his father should just free him from politics. With his flawless English, he can make a good newscaster. Only and only then will I watch him with rapt attention.

I would rather watch Kalembe Ndile and Bifwoli Wakoli than Gideon Moi

Mwai Kibai

The only time I watch this fellow is when he is announcing a new cabinet or a cabinet reshuffle. Now that he has refused to do it, then I have never watched him again. I am quite pleased with the directive that the press can only cover him on invitation. It makes rarer his rare chances of gracing my TV screen.

Kenyans, we have the most boring president in the world! Thank God he is laid back, aloof and indifferent. The only time I am proud to be Kenyan is when I imagine the number trophies our beloved president can win on this score.

Where is Lucy Kibabi, this woman makes better news than her husband.

Joshua Kuttuny

The people of Cherangany Constituency are a lucky lot because they are spared visits by their MP who has since earned himself the most coveted position as the official Personal Assistant of Hon William Ruto. He distributes air tickets and whatever fellow MPs need to accompany William Ruto all over the country.

Good enough, few own TV sets and cannot suffer the anguish of watching their MP speak a funny language that cannot be expected from somebody on the wrong side of 30, leave alone an MP.

The media should do us a favor by not doing any story on this guy. Just because he also doubles up as a self declared spokesman for William Ruto does not mean we love to hear him blabber about his love for him.

I bet Joshua Kuttuny has a picture of Raila and Ruto plastered on separate sides of his bathroom wall. Before bath in the morning, he kneels before Ruto’s picture and sing praises to him for thirty minutes. After bath, he faces Raila’s picture and punch him as he curses him for another thirty minutes. Come the rallies and he repeats his bathroom antics, an ode for Ruto and diatribe for Raila.

Simon Mbugua

He plies the same trade with Kuttuny in the same version. Outlandish in dress, 5’4 above the ground but unlike Kuttuny, he is not responding well to the fattening regime. Uhuru Kenyatta is the proud owner of this poodle. But beware, he fights and bites the same journalists who are bringing him to our living rooms against our will.

The Kenyan electorate is generally a very creative lot but Kamukunji takes the life time award. From Joe Nyagah to Simon Mbugua, who will begrudge them the title?

TV has long terrorized me and I regret buying the set. I was happy without it. Is there any other terrorist that the Kenyan TV visits upon you that I haven’t mentioned above? Be sure to pen him/her/it down here!