Saturday, April 3, 2010

Burqa Ban in Europe is a Veiled Attack on Islam

The move by Belgium to legislate against the wearing of the full face veil by Muslim women is alarming and a manifestation of growing Islamophobia in the west.

A Belgium official was quoted as saying that he is proud that Belgium was on course to be first European country to legislate against the burqa. This pride is misplaced as the burga does not constitute a serious threat to any society whatsoever. It is hard to figure out how a burqa ban can be seen as victory to the Belgian society in any way. Instead, it should be seen as an affront on civil liberties. The big question is: the burqa ban symbolizes victory over what, If not the trampling of religious freedom, propagating religious intolerance, an attack on civil liberties and cultural diversities.

Belgium has a Muslim population of around 500 000 and only several dozens wear the full face veil. Is it logical to enact a law that targets the lifestyle of a few dozen people? Is the religious practice of a small minority impact on a society to warrant a law in parliament? If anything, parliaments should instead be enacting laws that entrench and safeguard the rights of minorities.

The arguments against the burqa in Belgium and Europe in general have always been spurious and far fetched.

That the full veil constitutes a security threat is erronious. Suicide bombers don't carry bombs on their faces. In any case, they don't come out of it alive so they don't much care hiding their identities.

To argue that the law will protect Muslim women rights is equally falacious. It is true that some Muslim men force their women to wear the burqa in their misguided interpretation of the Koran. The Taliban enforced the burqa in Afghanistan.

It is also true that some Muslim women wear the burqa on their free volition. It is foolhardy to rob this women of their freedom of dress. What governments should be doing is to legislate against forcing women of whatever faith to wear what they don't like. It makes more sense. Why are there no heated debates on the jewish skull caps?

I agree that burqa clad women don't make a pretty sight. But then, there are a million other things that people do that I find obnoxious to me. Since everybody is entitled to their rights so long as they do not infringe on my own rights, there is little I can do. I exercise the right to see what I like only with my TV. If we were to dictate what others eat, drink, dress etc, society will be impossible. The basis of society is harmony through tolerance. And that includes religious and cultural inclusiveness.

Let the Muslim woman wear what they like without force or coercion. Since nobody decides what Christians should wear, they also should not dictate what Muslims should not wear.

Since 9/11, the west has become more intolerant to Islam. Harrasment, torture, hate, discrimination and derision is the order of the day. So many cases are documented with a recent one that saw an Egyptian killed by an attacker in a German court.

It is this kind of legislations that entrench hatred against Muslims in the west. Instead of governments promoting tolerance between faiths, they instead play to the urge by the largely Christian majorities to further discriminate against Muslims and their faith.

Muslims are feeling targeted by governments in the west and rightfully so. The burqa ban joins the list of injustices being meted on Muslims. Governments are doing little to safeguard their rights to practice their religion in peace. Governments are captive to Christian fundamentalism that in turn breed Islamic fundamentalism.

After the burqa is banned, many Muslim women will wear it to express their rebellion to the law. The burqa will be elavated to a symbol of religious rebellion. It is already happening in Egyptian universities.

Western governments have a tendency to get everything to do with Islam wrong. The Middle East issue is a case in point. They have pampered Israel to a spoilt kid status. Peace talks are now impossible because of this.

France, Britain, Italy and Germany are either debating the burqa ban or in various stages of implementing it. Switzerland held a referendum late last year to ban the building of new minarets in mosques. One wonders what minarets have to do with security. This is pure Islamophobia.

All kinds of phobias are unjustified and founded on false emotional notions. The west is busy lecturing Africa and Asia on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Recently they have included homophobia. I am now calling them to as well rein on Islamophobia in their countries.

Muslim women should be able to wear what they like without fear, coercion, intimidation or inhibition. Matters of dress are personal choices irrespective of your religious affilitiation. The law should respect and promote this freedom all over the world.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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