Sunday, January 24, 2010

John Edwards: the Bell has Tolled for...

John Edwards: the Bell
has Tolled for John Edwards!



I bet John Edwards is dusting his law books and making
contacts in his former career, for his political life is a gone case. His eyes
should be trained on New York
and not D.C., at least if he is fully aware of the amount of muck he is in.


Senator? Maaaybe. President? Never. Remember the
Chappaquiddick disaster and Edward Kennedy’s presidential bid? That is how bad it


Getting time to cavort with a female staffer while running
for Office of The President, United
States of America is shocking but it is not
a record, Bill Clinton got the time to romp with an intern in White House
itself. Siring a baby with a female staffer and refuting paternity is
unforgivable. Is that your definition of responsibility, Mr. John Edwards?


 Worse still, having
your aide to lie to America
that he is the father of your own child is an abomination. You cannot choose to
make fools of Americans and make an electorate of them. It is a disgrace!


Reille Hunter and Andrew Young might have played along for
some time but America
cannot play along for a minute!


What will you tell Quinn Hunter, the baby you denied, when she grows up? I
love you daddy!
She won’t be easily convinced and you will have some
explaining to do.


Now, cheating on your wife as she battles a disease as
breast cancer is totally unspeakable. It is callous and not many Americans can
forgive that. Most caring husbands would have not run in the first place. Is
that how you define love, Mr. John Edwards? Is that how to be family when one
member is facing a life threatening disease? I guess not.


What are the options for John Edwards? Former presidential
favorite, former political rising star, former North Carolina senator, former
Democratic Ticket hopeful…As optimistic as I am, John Edwards should contend
with ‘former’ before his name as a permanent fixture. That is for the few times
the press would be magnanimous enough to print his name.


For now, he can only afford to change the ‘former’ before
the word attorney by packing his suit case and slouching off to New York. He can
represent Wall Street cheats and home breakers.


There, he will be in good company!



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